pretty boy !

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Later that day maeve was following shikadai almost everywhere and the only place she could get to him alone was the boys bathroom
Now that's a place sh wouldn't want to be caught on  let alone with a boy
As shikadai went inside the bathroom Maeve got in and turned around so her back was on the bathroom wall
After finishing up shikadai gets out of the bathroom and goes to wash his hands
"Shikadai nara " she says and he turns around with a kunai on his hands
"Who are you ?" He asks with the kunai infront of him
"Aren't you fast ? , I'm here for my shuriken"
Maeve says
"Are you an anbu black opp?" He questions ignoring what she said about the shuriken
"You have such pretty eyes , do they not work or something ?" Maeve says
Well the boy sure had pretty eyes
"They do , now why have you been following us ?" He asks
"Don't flatter yourself pretty boy , I have a mission on hands , and to continue I need my shuriken back ,now chop chop" Maeve says to him
"Your mission , is it about the dark shadow that was on metal earlier "
He questions and Maeve stays there not answering him
"I need my shuriken , now " she demands
"Not until you answer my questions..." he starts but just then the door opens and thinking fast Maeve pulls them both inside the bathroom shikadai was just in time before they could be seen
"What a drag " shikadai says with a blush on his cheeks
"What a drag indeed , now where is my shuriken ?" She asks him again
"I don't have it with me , it's at home " he says looking up at her since she has her legs up the toilet  place
"Oh no don't tell me you gave it to your father?" Maeve asks him with a bit of hope
"What ! No I have it in my room " he says
"Great I'll come and take it later " she says and with a puff she's gone
"Huh what's that noise in there?" One of the kids ask
"Oh hey guys " shikadai says coming out of the bathroom  thr blush still on his face

The day passed fast
Shikadai went home and sat on his bed looking at the ceiling
"It's a nice ceiling " Maeve says her face close to his side of face
"Aghhh " shikadai scared gets up
"You're here ?" He says
"Yeah , I said I would be " Maeve says
"Now the shuriken " she says putting her hand out to him
"Before I give it to you I have some questions " he says sitting in her bed
"I can't answer sny of them pretty boy " Maeve says sitting on the window
"You don't even know what I'm gonna ask you " he says
"I know it has to do with my mission " maeve says
"I won't tell anyone I promise , I just want to help my friends " he says
"Okay how about I give you an advice , don't let your friend put his nose where is doesn't belong , he's just making it harder for me to figure it out " Maeve says still sitting
"That can't be done , that's what boruto does and Noone can stop that " he says getting up and putting his hand up with the butterfly shuriken on his hand
But before he gave it to her
"Why were you so afraid if I had or not gave it to my father ?" He questions
"I was figured out by his child , what do you think would happen if he found out ?" She questions getting the shuriken out of hand
"Whats your name ?" He questions
"Shadow " Maeve says
"I meant your real name "
"Classified pretty boy" Maeve says
"Well if you ever need help , you know where to find me "
"Not gonna need it but thanks"
And she leaves
"You women are such a drag sometimes " he says with a light smile

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