Just a Few Trees

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The Onceler opened the curtain of the open window, and his mother ran over to it. "Hi, Oncie. We've got a problem." The Onceler took a break from his sketching and sat up. "Oh no." "Yes, Oncie," his mother continued. "There's a problem here with supply and demand. We're getting orders every minute, and they're piling up." She looked at him and he stayed confused. "We've got to chop down the trees, sweetie." "I don't  know-" "Oncie, you've got to think about what's best for the company." The Onceler looked away. "Maybe a few trees..." "Oh I just knew you would understand!" She wandered  away to go tell the others.

The Lorax was right. Once, really wasn't going to protect the trees.

I stood up fast. "Why did you do that!?" The Onceler looks confused again. "Y/N, why are you so upset, it's only a few?" "Well, what if they ask you again? You are going to say yes. Look at you drawing up your factory! If these trees are destroyed, the animals will have nowhere to live. Quit being so selfish!" The Onceler looks mad as he stands up too, towering over me. "Listen, you're meant to be helping me. I'm becoming rich, I'll be able to pay you and you'll have a real job to do!" We just look at each other until I storm out. He grabs my arm. "Wait," he says in a slightly gentler tone.

I take my arm back and walk out of the house. I can hear the chopping and humming noises of the machines cutting the trees.

They sure did that fast.

I see the Lorax swimming with a few animals in the humming fish pond. I walk over and go sit at the edge of the pond. I look at the Lorax again, and he's talking to the fish. I think he's talking about what to do if they need to evacuate. My heart sinks. I look behind me, and can see just past the top of the small hill at the Onceler. I can't see his face, though he's showing his blueprint to his mom. It seems like they're starting the factory already.

I sigh and turn around. I really hope he means "just a few trees."

Onceler x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now