Chapter 25 - Bailey

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Get up, Bailey.

Don't vomit on your bed.

Make the few steps to the bathroom.

Get. up.

I groan, my head was pounding and I was pretty sure I felt my heart pounding in my brain. My throat was dry, it felt like I hadn't taken a sip of water in days. My bed was rough and not as soft as it usually is. It made this hangover worse than it already was. Another wave of nausea rolls through me and with a groan I open my eyes. Squinting to adjust to the light coming from the window.

Did I forget to close the curtains again?

I really needed to stop doing that.

I sit up groggily and swing my feet to the side of the bed. My hands clutching my head, I rub the sleep out of my eyes, and just when I get up to my feet. I stumble back onto it dizzily.

My eyes blur just as I notice the dark blue covers beneath me. My chest rises and falls with panicked breaths.

Where the hell was I?

This was not my room. With squinted eyes I palm the blue covers in my hands, soft and thick. It felt so familiar in here like I had been here before.

I try to think back to what had happened before I passed out. I remember drinking with Riley and Delilah. Then three guys came to harass us. I was pretty sure I vomited in my mouth when they attempted to flirt with us.

After that everything was hazy. I'm pretty sure I had a burger from somewhere. The door to the familiar room opens up and I scream.

My heart was about ready to jump out of my chest.

This was the day I die. In some ugly stranger's room. With hideous smelling candle beside me. Maybe that was how he hides his kills. With gross candle smells to cancel out the dead bodies.

"You think my candles smell gross?" A voice asks offended. I shriek back under the covers. I knew it was Greyson, just the sound of his voice was enough to clear my headache and send my stomach into a frenzy. I hear him near me slowly the heat under his blanket rising with every breath I take.

I was nauseous again.

The covers are being pulled off of me, an amused Greyson hovering on top. I shake my head at him. "No, Your candles smell absolutely lovely," I tell him my voice dipped in sarcasm. He raises his brows at me a smirk playing on his face.

"Sarcasm gets you spanked." He grins down at me. In one sweep he's lifting my body from the mattress and laying me flat against his headboard. My legs cross one another while he sits in front of me, clearly noticing my unamused expression and blush. "I'm very sensitive about my candles." He tells me with a grimace.

"I know Gavin and Ashton told me about your entire drawer full of them," I tell him without hesitating. I had spent the better part of an afternoon finding out things about Greyson from his brothers. Ashton may look like this big scary chef. He really was a sweetheart who just needed someone to talk to. I didn't say he didn't have anger issues, Because he clearly did.

"Fucking dickheads," he mutters.

I smile at him. "You know I used to keep count of the number of times you cursed," I tell him biting the corner of my lip, trying not to laugh.

His eyes go wide and he looks at me amused. "You know you curse too, right?" he tells me I nod my head.

"Not as much as you."

"I like it when you do."

"You like it when I curse? Why" I shake my head at him.

"Something about you saying fuck just turns me on." He groans.

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