Chapter 27 - Greyson

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My heart felt like it was exploding. I was pretty sure I was near death. I was fucking over joyed because this women laying on my chest was not real.

She looked fucking unreal.

Eyes closed, with even breaths her face sat in a pout as if she wasn't enjoying the dream she was having. Her eyebrows were pulled down, hair sprawled in a mess on my chest.

God, I wanted nothing more than to just see her smile.

I could practically feel my chest tightening watching Bailey sleep on me without a care in the world. I wanted all her worries to be dropped on my shoulders. I wanted her to trust me enough to tell me everything about her. She's already told me about her dad, we were slowly getting somewhere. Listening to her talk about her childhood felt like I was getting stabbed repeatedly in the chest.

Just listening to her talk on and on about the shit she went through made me fucking furious, I was barley holding it together.

She talked about it like it was normal. Like being home alone at ten years old was fucking normal, taking care of yourself when you were sick was normal. That walking in fucking hail to school was normal. That was fucking abuse, that was neglect.

Even though I was near heart attack whenever she brought it up, it was good that she was opening up she shouldn't have to hide those feelings.

Especially from me.

Never from me.

"Are you watching me sleep again?" Her voice soft and velvety says from under my chin, I chuckle pushing her closer to me. My hands rested on her plum perfect ass.

"Get used to it."

"Should I get used to you fucking me now too?"

Oh fuck. "You should get used to not being able to use your legs for a week."

She nods her head against my chest, then she groans, "I'm so sore."

"Want me to kiss it better?" I ask seriously if I could live between her thighs, I would.

She bites her lip, and I could only imagine her rolling her eyes, because deep down she knows she wants me to. She moves slightly laying on my chest, arms folded under her chin, staring at me. I smile stroking her hair back from her face.

"Why don't you tell me anything about your childhood?" She asks me startling me, I tense beneath her and watch as her hand rubs the spot over my heart, easing the tension.

"There isn't much to tell," I shrug watching her furrowed brows. "My childhood was pretty... I trail off not sure if it was okay to say this.

"Normal?" She suggests, I sigh. "Don't tiptoe around me Greyson, that's the worst possible thing you could do to me."

I swallow, "I don't want you to hate me,"

She smiles, scrunching her nose at me, she pushes forward and plants her lips on mine, pulling back just as quick. "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you Greyson Lee Beaufort." She grins.

I love you more.

I grin right back at her and then narrow my eyes. "How do you know my middle name?"

She laughs loud and my chest warms, "Ashton knows how to hold a grudge."

I rolled my eyes of course it had to be him. He was the worst person to fight with.

I take a deep breath, her hand rubbing my chest again in soothing strokes. "My childhood was pretty normal, beside the one day a year my grandmother came to visit." Her mouth dips down confused. "She was the fucking worst, the amount of times she made my mother cry made me want to kill somebody."

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