Chapter 1 - Greyson

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I can imagine the town being set to flames. Burning with every second that passes, just the thought of a fire spreading makes my heart beat a little faster in excitement. My mind was swarming with images of a large fire coating the town.

My thoughts were completely fucked up.

Living in a small town was dreadful as a kid. Really fucking depressing it was. Everyone had their own interests and nobody could cause chaos without being found out. I mean the police station was right around the corner.

Fucking ridiculous if you ask me.

The silence was the fucking worst, it was always quiet whether you were walking down the street or just going shopping. I used to hate going to the park, watching the birds nip at the scattered pieces of bread thrown on the ground. It was so quiet you almost could hear their chewing. The basketball net was empty and void of people until my brothers and I showed up with a few friends.

It's only as you get older, you get used to the silence. Find the actual fucking joy in the quiet because people were fucking stupid. You get to enjoy not hearing dumb shit come out of their mouths. I hear stupid shit just from my brothers alone. I didn't need it from other people.

The quieter the better.

You tend to appreciate the silence in Crescent Creek. The peaceful sounds of birds chirping and people humming in serenity. Especially in August the beginning fall weather makes you appreciate it even more with its colors and the cool breeze. As much as I loved and understood the quiet life of a small town.

You don't usually appreciate it as much when you're just a firefighter waiting for action.

A real fight-worthy fire that the second you run in you are consumed by the flames. Threatening to lick you through your suit as you make those split decisions. There was something so fucking exhilarating about running into a burning building. 

If only more fires would happen.

I know it's fucked up wishing for some fire to spark out of nowhere, potentially injuring someone. It wasn't like I wanted someone to get hurt, I just wanted a dumb fuck to start a fire for me to put out, and save them in the process. I was built on adrenaline and the only way to extinguish it was by putting out another fire. To watch the fire that would take over and burn with no control be tamed by me.

It was an indescribable feeling of power; made me feel invincible.

The weight of the bunker gear weighing you down and the heat of the fire was difficult to maneuver with, but once you get the adrenaline spike. There was no stopping you. Especially when everyone was depending on you, to save them, to save their valuables, to save their home.

It's a feeling I fucking craved.

I wanted to be in control, I wanted to be the one to save people.

The feeling of pulling a person out of a burning building was a feeling like no other. When you live in a town as small as this one, knowing not much happens. Knowing fires don't spark as much as my sick mind wanted. The only thing I could hope for was my bother Ashton's restaurant bursting into flames and that was more of a fucked up thought.

All my thoughts were fucked up.

In my entire firefighter career-eight years- I've put out less than a hundred fires. I even went as far as starting one with my own two hands, so I'm not even fucking sure that one counts. Regardless of the fireless fires, we were still getting calls to help people around town. Hell, I even got a call to get a fucking cat out of a tree.

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