Chapter 22 - Greyson

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I haven't slept this comfortably in a while. You couldn't have a good night's sleep when the nights were undetermined. Being a firefighter meant that you always had to be ready for the impossible. My mind was always alert. For whenever the alarm in the station tells us there was a fire.

It only got worse since then, simple rustling could easily wake me up. Whether it was Anthony's snoring from behind the thin wall, or the tree branches that would hit my window. There was never a night where I hadn't woken up.

But now, now I was warm, with a weight pressed on top of me. A white cozy mattress that I knew wasn't mine.

I was comfortable, and oddly loved the way that the weight rested on my chest felt. It felt like I was being grounded.

I could feel the fucking sunshine through my closed eyes, the bright light waking me up. Slowly, with all the restraint I have, I open my eyes and the first thing I notice was a mop of brown hair on my chest, tickling my bearded chin. Her hair was completely in my face.

My chest tightens at the sight of her body completely sprawled out on mine. I could practically feel her even breaths. Her skin was soft, and her tank-top had risen up to just below her tits.

I needed some fucking reward for paying attention to everything besides her tits right now. My hand raises brushing down her hair, smoothing it out. Trying to get a better look at her face, I can't seem to get enough of her. I couldn't fathom how fucking unreal she was.

Just as I caress her hair one more time, she flips over. She turns her head exhaling a breath. Her face was now pointed and tilted up at me with closed eyes. Just looking at her made my heart about ten seconds away from bursting at the sight of her.

It was absolutely ineffable to describe her exquisite frame. Beautiful wasn't enough of a word to describe the way she looked in the sun.

She was still sleeping, looking so innocent, and soft and all I wanted to do was hold her to me and never let her go. She looked absolutely enchanting when she didn't have the look that she carried the world's weight on her shoulders. It was like I couldn't get enough of staring at her.

The sun that was coming from the window was shining a light directly on her face giving her beautiful olive skin a glow. The single freckle that sat under her right eye was one I wouldn't mind wanting to kiss repeatedly for the rest of my life.

I rest my hand on her cheek, watching as she scrunches her nose once she feels my cold hands. After a few more cute nose scrunches she relaxes and the tiniest of smiles graces her features. I continue to caress her cheek. I couldn't keep my hands off of her even if I wanted to. I watch her sleep on my chest, thinking I would spend the rest of my days like this, with her sleeping in my arms while I watch.

Realization smacked into me with a thrust, blowing the wind out of me. I swallow nervously as I feel my breathing exhilarate. Just watching her, was realization enough that I was completely in love with the woman sleeping in my arms and we hadn't even gone on a first date.

Hell, I've loved her since she opened her blue eyes at me the second she crashed into the town.

I love her.

I loved Bailey Walker.

I don't think I've ever said that to anyone besides my mother. My brothers and I weren't the types to throw an "I love you" toward one another.

"You're staring," she whispers in her morning voice, eyes still sealed shut shocking me but not enough to look away.

I couldn't stop staring.

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