Elia and Herakles: Harry
Chapter Text
He felt the numerous eyes on his, the whispers that had rang out through the hall when he entered for a delayed session.
There were but hours left before he officially tied his life to hers, and Harry was anxious to get the last bits of this meeting over with so he could put together the last things he needed.
A photo of them had been taken at the insistence of his aunt, the woman catching them in a tender moment before sending it off to a friend she had at the Prophet.
“Best to get these things over with, Herakles,” she’d told him, brow arched as she browbeat him on the subject. “They will talk all they want, will speculate and gossip the moment they see her out and about with a ring on that finger. At least this way, we control the story.”
She had been right, he could grudgingly admit, the papers writing a favourable report on their engagement. There had been talk from everyone, words of congratulation and scorn slipping throughout, but Harry had been glad those closest to him were happy for them. That Griselda had shouted in joy had been a surprise, the woman looking exceedingly pleased at being able to witness the development, “before I died of boredom and old age,” she had cackled. Still now, he saw from the corner of his eye the looks she sent, interchanging between a smirk at him and a scowl for the Chief Warlock for keeping them here on Yule of all days.
Finally, the meeting was called to an end, everyone eagerly shuffling out of the room to return to their homes. He clapped Neville on the shoulder as he passed, having said temporary goodbyes to Ernie as he accepted the congratulations from his fellows.
He had seen a memory of Elia’s first wedding, knowing the number of people that had been present for the occasion. They had decided against an over large wedding, limiting it to the people they were close to and the allies they had made at the Wizengamot. A larger number than he had wanted - though he had wanted to keep it at just their family and closest friends - but he was more excited for the last part, reserved only for the five of them.
With a slight crack, Harry reappeared in the foyer of Black Manor, the greetings of the portraits ringing in his ears as he made his way to the room upstairs. They were drunk on a high, the thought of an elemental who was a princess joining their line stoking the ambitions they held.
He entered his room, seeing his sons lounging on his bed.
“Where’s your sister?”
“With Aunt Cissa,” Teddy answered. “They’re getting ready at Potter Hall, remember?”
The Potter portraits had kicked up a fuss, insisting Elia get ready at Potter Hall where they could take part. Harry had rolled his eyes at their fussing, even as Elia agreed with them, feeling more comfortable there.
“We got kicked out,” Aegon told him, sitting up to look at him. “Is it time to get ready?”
“You boys start,” he told them. “I expect you to be fully dressed, or almost there when I get out of the shower.”
They scrambled from his room at those words, knowing that he wouldn’t take too long this time. By the time he made it out, hair damp even as he tried to dry it with magic, Harry was slightly surprised to see them wearing most of their clothes.
Their ties were left undone, the material hanging around their necks as Teddy morphed his hair to mimic Elia’s; thick Rhoynish curls that were as unruly as any Potter hair, his skin tanned to bronze, just a touch lighter than Rhaenys’s. Aegon’s silver-gold hair had been cut short, a handful of Sleakeazy’s in hand as he attempted to curl it at the direction of the mirror.

The Brightest Sun
FanfictionElia Martell expected to die in King's Landing. Harry Potter had died in his war. Two strangers are thrown together through some force. Raising three kids is hard, raising two of them to eventually rule a kingdom even harder, especially when you're...