Chapter 31

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Harry’s hand was rubbing slow circles on her back, and Elia was torn between glowering at him to stop and quickly excusing themselves from tea. There was a knowing glint in his eyes as a light smirk tugged at his lips, and Elia cursed him as she listened to Narcissa speak of the plans to expand the gardens.

Pregnancy had brought a number of changes to their lives, chief among them a more amorous relationship and a husband who very much delighted in that fact.

She shifted in her seat under the pretence of pouring another cup of tea, contemplating whether it would be worth it to dig her heel in his foot.

“As you two are quite clearly interested in other activities,” Narcissa drawled, grey eyes watching as her words brought a stop to her movements, “perhaps you can tell me what is on your minds.”

“What are talking about, Aunt?” Harry asked innocently. “I’d like to know what you plan to do to the gardens next.”

“You’re far more interested in your wife, Herakles, and I do not need the specifics of your marriage. I can see enough to venture a guess as to what was running through your head,” she added dryly, bringing a sharp flush to Harry’s face.

Elia leaned back in her seat to watch as his aunt teased Harry, enjoying the flustered expression on his face.

Her hand rested lightly against the gentle swell of her stomach. She was just over three moons gone – the pregnancy easily hidden behind the robes the Wizarding World preferred to wear. As someone who often wore dresses underneath or in place of, Elia had taken them out herself, covering the growing baby bump.

Narcissa’s eyes were sharply focused on the placement of Elia’s hand, a sudden quiet falling between them.

“Herakles,” she said, eyes flicking to his before she returned her stare to Elia.

There was a gentle smile on Elia’s face, her happiness radiating through her as she locked eyes with Narcissa. “It’s still early days,” Elia told her. “But the healer is confident everything should go well.”

She did not expect the well of tears in Narcissa’s eyes, the usually unflappable Malfoy Matriarch showing a rare level of emotion that was reserved for her immediate family.

Narcissa leaned forward, her hands grasping each of theirs as she sent a radiant smile at them. “Congratulations, both of you.”

Elia felt slight tears gather in her eyes, blinking them away as she watched Harry stand, a soft kiss and hug for his aunt before he mumbled something about finding the restroom.

“I did not think it was possible,” Narcissa admitted, eyes soft as she moved into the chair next to Elia. “Andromeda used to say Teddy was his salvation after they discovered it.”

“Nor did we,” Elia replied. “It was only at the three month point that we believed it could happen.”

Narcissa’s eyes sparkled in delight as she murmured, “A solstice baby.” Her words brought a slight flush to Elia’s face, remembering the night vividly.

Elia smiled again, leaning into Narcissa as the woman wrapped her arms around her. “I’m glad, darling, truly.”

It was odd how natural the transition between them occurred. At some point, they had gone from friendly interactions to a deeper relationship. She was no longer a mere friend – hadn’t been for years now – but more closely resembling a mother, Elia the daughter she never had.

“Have you thought on names?” Narcissa asked.

“Something celestial,” Elia answered, lips curving into a fond smile at the softening of her face.

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