Chapter 52

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She had not needed a raven or a messenger to bring word of what happened at Bloodstone to know something had gone wrong; Daenerys' frantic words had been more than enough to raise the alarm, face pale as she rambled about a promise.

Elia had left as swiftly as possible, startling Doran as he hurried to send men and a ship to take her to the island, caving beneath the steel of her gaze once he realized she would not be swayed to stay in Sunspear.

The babe kicked as they passed the Broken Arm, a sharp pain as she felt the stirring of magic in the air, and Elia rested a hand on her belly as the feel of magic increased.

It feels far different from England, she thought, her own responding far more powerfully than it ever had.

At the sight of black and grey – their large and hulking figures lurking beneath the sun – her lips tightened, ignoring the sudden murmurs that broke out amongst the crew. They were nervously preparing to dock, glancing at Elia as she stood at the prow, eyes blank as she thought on the trouble her children had invited.

"Princess, perhaps we should wait until—"

"Those dragons won't harm me, Ser," she told him, pressing forward once it was safe to do so.

"Your Grace," a knight from the Reach murmured, nervously glancing at Elia as her brother's former squire came forth to escort her.

"Princess," Ser Daemon greeted, green-blue eyes troubled in spite of the easy grin on his face. "The others wait within the castle."

Elia kept quiet, withholding the numerous questions that were churning within her as she gazed at the men on the island. Their eyes kept drifting to the two dragons – not a rider in sight – even as they worked to clear the ships of any loot. Often, their gazes would land on Elia, an odd look in them as they nevertheless bowed and murmured their greetings.

The castle was little better, with guards bustling about the entryway. Ser Daemon led her past a set of grand doors, passing what would undoubtedly pass as this castle's great hall, down a corridor before they climbed a set of stairs.

There were Martell guards everywhere, lined up along the wall as Ser Daemon led her closer to the rooms at the back.

"Where is my daughter?" she asked, forcing him to halt.

"Princess Rhaenys and Lord Edward are in that room," he answered, pointing to a door to her left.

She thanked him before she left, opening the door to see Rhaenys and Teddy speaking quietly, their eyes widening as they saw her.

"Mum! What are you doing here?"

"Did you come alone?"

"Are you supposed to be travelling?"

At that Elia raised a brow, seeing the sheepish look on Teddy's face. They were sitting across from each other, Teddy on the bed and Rhaenys on an armchair, shifting to sit next to Teddy as Elia took the open chair.

She looked them over, relieved that they did not seem to be physically harmed. "Do you mind explaining why the dragons are here?"

They shared a look, unspoken words exchanged between them before Teddy sighed.

"According to them, Iacomus was feeling antsy and thought Egg was in danger. Auriga tagged along."

"And why would Aegon be in enough danger for Iacomus to ignore his instructions?" she asked, dark eyes pinned on Rhaenys' purple.

Raised voices floated in from the door, the furious note of Harry's voice in the absence of a silencing ward letting her know how upset he was.

"…swearing to protect him when you are not of age and unable to do so in the midst of a bloody war."

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