Chapter 46

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She had known his hair had been coloured to better hide him, but even with the warning Harry had given her, seeing Viserys alive and in Dorne had nearly knocked the breath out of her.

He almost looks like his father, she thought, as she imagined Aerys might have looked had he not fallen to madness and let himself go. Not an exact copy, but enough that it made her pause. That was where the resemblance ended; for all that Aerys had held a cruel glint in his eyes when he looked at the world, Viserys' eyes were haunted by the shadows of his life.

"Princess Elia," he said lowly, eyes flashing uncertainly as he bowed in greeting.

"Prince Viserys," she greeted, irritated at the shock that passed through her brother's face as she cut off his attempt to introduce his former squire.

There was a curious look in Viserys' eyes, and Elia saw the precise moment he realized how she might have known beyond that cursory first glance. He hesitated, swallowing uncertainly before he steeled himself, the action so reminiscent of Rhaella that Elia had to turn from him.

Doran sat calmly in his wheelchair, the same thin blanket covering his legs even as he spent the past week feeling relief from the aches of his condition. There was nothing to show his surprise at her knowledge – not a hint – and Elia felt her lips tug downward as she studied him.

"Is the colour not hiding his identity?" Oberyn asked, a touch exasperated.

"No, Ser Baelor is well hidden to the rest of the world," she answered coolly, gaze turning to him. Oberyn's dark eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed, an almost defiant expression crossing his face as he clenched his jaw, gaze darting away as Elia remained unyielding.

"How is your sister?"

"Well," he answered, glancing between Elia and her brothers. She gave him a pointed look, seeing only wary curiosity in his until he relented. "Dany is with the others here. I should see to her before I return to Sunspear."

He left before she could respond; not looking back as he scurried away to wherever it was Daenerys was hidden, eager to put some distance between them.

It would take time, she knew; Viserys was not the young child she had known, no longer a prince of the realm. There had been regret in his lilac eyes mixed in with the uncertainty and wariness – though what regrets the child held she could only guess – and Elia would give him the time he needed to come to terms with their new reality and what might have been.

All this time, she thought, gaze turning to the three others left in the room. Areo stood as he always did, axe gripped tightly as he kept watch for any threats to Doran.


"Sit, brother. I would have words," she said, waiting until he did as told.

"Sunspear is currently under lockdown," Oberyn told her, a peevish look to him. "Your husband has decided it prudent to leave undetected."

"For good reason," she countered. "Perhaps you might not have known at first if he was telling the truth, Oberyn—"

"I did not," he insisted.

"And yet you made no mention of him once we met," she continued sharply. "Nor did you rectify that mistake upon meeting the children. My children have magic, brother, as does their father. Are you surprised he has not seen fit to remain locked in the tower you threw him in after the welcome he received?"

"He'd not done anything the entire journey," Oberyn pointed out stubbornly.

Because he could not, she thought. Had his magic been accessible to him, there were no lengths he would not have gone to discover their whereabouts.

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