Two weeks. A fortnight.
That's how long it had taken Teddy to feel his magic return to him. They were a week past that now, yet all Elia could feel was the slightest tinge of magic around them. It was different, being in Dorne after being surrounded by the magic of Potter Hall for so long, and yet she could feel something in the air. Not nearly as potent as it had been in England, but it was there.
Doran had yet to return from Sunspear, handing all administrative matters to cousin Manfrey until they were ready to come to a decision – something she was loath to do without knowing just where Harry was.
He'll be fine, she reminded herself, absentmindedly stroking her wedding band as the door behind her opened.
Light footsteps made their way across the marble floor, Elia sitting as a shadow loomed over her, watching with a small smile as Maia splashed about the pool, shrieking in laughter as Rhaenys lifted her above her head.
"Are you planning to take a seat?" she asked, eyes tracking her daughters. They had commandeered this small section of the Water Gardens, the once private rooms of Daenerys Martell and the attached pools, a privacy ward set in place courtesy of Teddy. He was the only one of them with full access to his magic, Aegon and Rhaenys still requiring more time to recover what control they had over their abilities. Even if she did not have such easy access to her magic, she was relieved to know that Teddy still held that advantage.
"You look well," Larra stated, sitting in the open chair next to Elia.
"Far better than when we last spoke," Elia replied wryly, glancing at her friend. No longer were they the young maidens fluttering about court, eager to leave a mark as Myriah once had. Larra had aged handsomely, her hair still a thick brown that tumbled across her shoulder, brown eyes as sharp as ever as she grimaced in acknowledgement.
"We didn't know what came next," Larra said quietly, eyes far off as she recalled events unknown. "Doran had been frantic when the raven came, and Oberyn very nearly rushed off to King's Landing on his own."
"A fool's errand," Elia replied, a fond note in her voice. "But Oberyn has ever been a fool when it comes to those he loves."
"He was the best of us," Larra said. "Even now, he rushes to protect all of Dorne where Doran physically cannot."
"Don't," Elia said sharply, stopping her before she could continue. "You've no fault in all this, Larra."
"I knew," Larra retorted. "We all knew just how mad he was, the danger we were leaving you in."
"And as your princess, I ordered you home," Elia reminded her.
Larra's lips tightened slightly, eyes dark with sorrow and old wounds. "I could have ignored the order."
"And die needlessly?" Elia retorted.
"You could have died," Larra reminded her.
"Thank the Seven that I did not," she said.
Elia reached across the small table, gripping Larra's hand tightly as her dark eyes bore into her friend's orbs.
"Jynessa was far too young to lose her mother, Larra. I do not regret sending you home then, nor would I have done differently had we faced the rebellion years later."
"Of course not," Larra scoffed, a slight twist to her lips. "Never let it be said that a Princess of Dorne would let one of her people be held hostage in her place."
She smiled at the old jest, seeing the faintest spark in Larra's brown eyes.
"I hear you have a son now," Elia said lightly, leaning back in her seat after giving her hand a final squeeze.

The Brightest Sun
FanfictionElia Martell expected to die in King's Landing. Harry Potter had died in his war. Two strangers are thrown together through some force. Raising three kids is hard, raising two of them to eventually rule a kingdom even harder, especially when you're...