Chapter 32

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He ignored the countless eyes that were focused on him, turning his green orbs to the hat singing on the stool as he attempted to mimic his parents. His father didn’t like going out much, but his mum had always worn a composed face, a slight smile on her face whenever she was at a party, and it was her face Teddy recalled.

He was equal parts excited and terrified, worried he might be the first ever sent home unsorted and chiding himself as he knew that had never happened.

Teddy clapped absentmindedly, eyes catching those of the Headmistress as the names began.

He clapped for each student, cataloguing those with ties to former Death Eaters and the ones he knew were either muggleborn or related to an Order member.

“Potter-Black, Edward,” he heard, and Teddy hid his grimace with a deep breath, feet carrying him to the stool as low whispers broke out.

“That’s him,” he heard someone say, “Harry Potter’s son.”

“Bloody hell, looks just like his Da.”

“Ten galleons he ends up a Gryffindor.”

His vision was blocked, a strip of fabric covering his eyes as he heard soft chortling in his head.

“Potter-Black, hmm? Quite the curious surprise there,” the hat rumbled, voice hoarse. “Difficult, quite difficult. Just like your fathers you are.”

“My fathers?” Teddy asked quizzically.

“Hmmm,” the hat said, muttering to himself. “They were difficult to sort as well, though Lupin was the easier one.”


“Oh indeed,” the hat agreed, before he barked out a sudden laugh. “Intelligent, you’d do well in Ravenclaw. What’s this? Dragons? Quite resourceful and ambitious; Salazar would fight a duel to have you in his house. A parselmouth as well? You could do well in Slytherin.”

Teddy kept quiet, letting the hat work itself into a decision as he ignored the mutter regarding preferences. His birth parent’s had been a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff, his papa a Gryffindor and his grandmamma a Slytherin. Teddy didn’t care which house he ended up in, so long as he had one.

“Not Hufflepuff, no. You’re loyal, definitely loyal to those siblings of yours, hard-working too. But not much for trusting others, not after what you saw your father go through. Perhaps Gryffindor?

Certainly a bold child, teaching dragons to speak. I see courage in you, young one, and a stout heart.”

He resisted the urge to swing his legs, worried at how long it had gone on for.

“You’ve lived quite the interesting life, I must say. Curious, so very curious as to how the world works, how magic works.”

The hat laughed, slightly delighted as he came to a decision. “You could have gone to either house, child, even if Salazar would be disappointed. But you are far too curious for your own good, and RAVENCLAW will serve you well.”

Teddy stepped off the stool as Professor Flitwick took the hat, a pleasant smile on his face as he tipped his head to the table just to their left, his tie and emblem changing to match the Ravenclaw colours.

Dear Mum and Dad, Egg and Rhae,

I’m a Ravenclaw! I guess Rhae wins that bet.

Hogwarts is great! There’s a small library in the Ravenclaw common room, nothing like the one we have at home, but swear one of the books was written by Rowena Ravenclaw herself.

We start classes tomorrow. I’ll send another letter soon. I miss you all.



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