Chapter Sixteen - Her Birthday (Epilogue)

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As the seasons changed, Arisu couldn't help but feel anxious as the winter approached. The world around her seemed to lose its hue, the frosted snow obscuring her view through the windows of every store she passed. She longed for the cool enviroment and lively activities of autmn, but at her age she knew those days were behind her.

Vicky wasnt in home even before Arisu even left for the nearby park. The town itself was like a blank sheet of paper in the winter, everything blending together until nothing was recognizable. As she made her way through the graveyard that sat on the outskirts of the town, feel like if wasnt belong there.

Nobody outside her social circle bothered to ask if she was truly doing okay. No one reached out to talk to her, not even to offer sympathy.

The hills and countryside were visible from this vantage point, the white landscape stretching out as far as the eye could see. But there was no warmth or beauty in it, only coldness and emptiness. Arisu's heart felt heavy as she approached her son's grave, gently wiping away the frost that had formed on his tombstone.

Bierce stood by her side through thick and thin. Teaching her to never let life break her, to always stand tall and find a way to push through the hardships. She struggled to open up about her feelings, burying them deep within to avoid showing any sense of weakness. Her eyes were always guarded behind a stoic expression, a shield she used to protect herself from being hurt again.

Her tears fell silently as she struggled to control herself, but they refused to be suppressed any longer. Many people wondered if she could subdue her emotions, and in fact she wanted to.

Insomnia and nightmares had become a constant problem that plagued her every night. 
She clenched her fist when remembered his distorted face being consumed by the tumor he had created

And as she lay down next to the tombstone, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. It was as if she had finally found solace in the silent embrace of that grave.

The woman was exhausted, she had developed insomnia due to the continuous nightmares she had been having every day. She clenched her fist when remembered his distorted face being consumed by the tumor he had created. She lied down next to the tombstone and closed her eyelids. It was as if she had been sleeping.

"Arisu?" A female asked.

"Arisu!?" she shouted once again.

Until she open her eyelids, a bit groggy, babbling silently some words. "There it is... How long you've been here?" the woman asked, a bit calm.

She remembered that voice.

It was Vicky.

"What? What time it is?" Arisu babbled.

"10 AM... you came here really early, isnt it?" she whispered, the woman avoided eye contact with her, making the redhead release a soft sigh.

"I know how you feel... but it's been 3 months since it happened." the woman justified.

"And you know what a mother can feel?" the white haired woman replied.

"I have lost my parents.... so we are tied." Vicky wailed, a awkward silence remained, both of them share the same problems, the same grief, but in polarizing scenarios.

"I think you...should carry on, Haru is very grateful to have you as his mother. Even being tough, I think Haru will be happy if you survive to this storm. Is not like is part of God's plan. But is part of cycle of life."

"Yeah, so with your parents too." A soft smirk was showed by Arisu.

"By the way. We have a suprise for ya. I think that will enlighten your mood a bit." the woman yanked her arm making Arisu jump forward a bit. While she get away from the graveyard, she pushes the white haired woman once more. Arisu wasnt much anxious of what suprise Vicky was so much talking about.

"We are coming closer, coming closer. Please don't open your eyes when we arrive at home." Vicky warned, as she was traversing through the avenue with the older woman with her eyes still open. As she arrived the condominium, Arisu didn't know what to expect for the strange behavior of Vicky. During the entire passage through the traffic, she didnt spoke a word.

"Can I least know where you are bringing me to?" And the only thing she said was.

It's a surprise.

"I need you to close your eyelids and count to three, okay?" Arisu agreed.

Once again in the complete darkness, the anxiety flooding in. One...Vicky guides the older woman directing her to her apartment slowly, Arisu didn't wanted to stumble in something. As she stepping through the wooden floor, she heard the party popper makes snap and she felt pieces of colored conffeti falling on her clothes.

She opens her eyes.

"SURPRISE!" an amount of people shouted, it was only three: her Aunt, Vicky and her fellow partner Shiro.

"... You all remembered?" she couldnt stand her emotions.

"Of course we remembered, I know that your ol' head couldn't remember anything but. We wanted to make a party for ya, I even Shiro wanted to collaborate with us!" Bierce pointed out, and a taller woman waved back at Arisu which was in shock with the surprise.

"And me with the balloons." Vicky shows up behind Shiro with a plate of a white cake with colored candles at the topping.

"Make a wish, any wish." the redhead ignites the candles with a lighter one by one. the sparkling energy that emanate was illuminating Arisu's face.

She close her eyes again, to make her wish.

She blows all the candles.

And the only thing that came to mind, was Haru.


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