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~Modern Day~

"Magnus!" The burst of the door opening jolted the Norwegian actor from sleep.

"Hm? Ja?" Someone was shaking his shoulders. Rubbing at his eyes, he sat up and groaned at the crick in his neck. Ingrid came into view slowly but surely, looking down her nose at him.

"You were supposed to be in Make-Up an hour ago! Come on!" She slung her arm under his shoulders and yanked him out of bed, the man letting out a gruff grumble as his script fell to the floor, a few pages folded over. As he bent to pick it up and smooth them out, Ingrid whisked him out into the bitter cold.

"Faen, it's freezing out here! Why didn't you warn me?" His stylist rolled her eyes at his complaining, continuing to shove him until he was forced into a seat in the Make-Up trailer, Ingrid fussing over his hair, completely ignoring him.

Magnus Tennifjord huffed a laugh at her stubbornness, and finally decided to check out his appearance in the mirror. "Å, Gud!" He must have fallen asleep on his script. There were multiple indentations on his cheek. The Norwegian actor pulled at his skin, attempting to bring his cheek back to normal again.

"How late did you stay up reading again?"

"Oh, so now you're talking to me." Magnus made a face at her in the mirror and she smacked him with a make-up brush. "Ow! Hey, didn't the contract specify 'no abusing the actors'? I could report you!" he joked, earning another smack, this time with a hairbrush. He growled but decided to let it be and answer her question. "2..."

"Magnus!" She scolded him disapprovingly.

"What?! This script is so overly complicated! I love it!"

"You're despicable," she groaned, finishing with his make-up and shoving him into the Wardrobe trailer next door, the man barely having time to swipe his script off the table.

He made it on time with a few minutes to spare, Ingrid huffing and puffing angrily beside him. The Director wasn't bothered by their hastened arrival, the woman instead laughing at Magnus' explanation. He gave his script to Ingrid before taking a deep breath and walking on set, mind already in the head space of King Leoric Edmund Einarsson. Director Mørk called, "Savage Flame Scene Marker, Take One! And, action!"

Huzzah! How'd you like my modern twist? This book took me a fully semester to write. It was for my Honors Medievalism class that I loved! It was a lot of hard work, but in the end, it was worth it!

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