Chapter 13

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The ring of allied soldiers were no match against the Witch Lord, their bodies thrown aside with a swipe of crimson power. But one figure absorbed the force of the blast, his broad-sword gleaming and solid build unmoving. His blond hair braided in Viking warrior tradition and his steel-blue eyes flickering once over his shoulder before charging at the Witch Lord, slamming into the beast's body, catching the creature off-guard. The two muscular men fought against each other, both more savage than the next - Witch Lord and Mercenary. Everyone paused to watch the whirling of death and vengeance, even the King and his sister, whose hands were pressed helplessly against his gaping wound.

Amund, at the help of Enkh-Amgalan, limped over to Njal and the three watched their traitorous friend battle their sworn enemy, their hearts questioning the extent of Vidar's loyalty.

Vidar suddenly dropped his weight to the ground, swiping the Witch Lord off his feet by the force of the mercenary's surprise, and grabbed the Ratnaraj, breaking its hold on the chain. With a mighty clang, Vidar shattered the ruby with his broad-sword. A great windstorm of red power clawed from the earth around them, billowing into the air, and a powerful Faerie materialized. Njal and Amund recognized her as the Alv woman who'd aided them on their quest.

She analyzed Vidar and the possessor of the crystal, her eyes unreadable. Chinggis Alkan scrambled to his feet and lunged at Vidar's knelt form, his sword staked into the ground, but a wave of blue-white light flung him back. The powerful creature then spoke, her voice like the crash of treacherous waves that surged in the oceans beyond the Fjord, Only those noble at heart, fueled by loyalty and virtue, should wield this Stone.

With a wave of her hand, the shattered fragments of the Ratnaraj were summoned into the air, and then set into the hilt of Vidar's sword that was staked into the ground, his blade shimmering with a scarlet tincture. Then, the massive apparition of the Alv woman disappeared, Vidar reclaiming his sword from the blood-soaked earth. Chinggis Alkan pushed himself off the ground, wild, demonic power still humming in his bones. But as the possessed man charged once again at Vidar, with one swipe of his enchanted blade, he cleaved both man and spirit in two, ridding the earth of the creature once and for all.

The clouds above dissipated and sunlight shone down to anoint Vidar in heavenly light, every warrior kneeling before him, the Mongolian soldiers released from the demon's influence following suit, at the access of the Ratnaraj's legendary degree: Whoever possesses this stone reigns eternally over all, man and Fae alike.

Vidar approached his King and knelt at his side, taking the hand of his dying King. "How?" his King whispered, body cradled by his sister. Sigrid answered, voice breaking,

"After Edric passed, I was named Queen of England. I'd been yearning for home since the force of my marriage, and a letter arrived promptly. Vidar warned me that the fate of our kingdom was in the hands of that witch. I replied saying that I would come to his aid. He is the noblest knight I've ever met, sacrificing his image by sleeping with the serpent until he could save his kingdom."

"You were with her... because of us." Amund's voice was filled with guilt of his past hatred for his friend, but also with admiration for the steadfast loyalty of a knight to his kingdom. Leoric's chest shook with watery coughs, the color of his face waning.

"Vidar." His grip on the mercenary's hand tightened with his last remaining strength. "You have done more for this kingdom and people than I ever have." His sister tried to quiet his falsity, but he kept speaking. "Your loyalty and sense of mind has made you more than the mercenary that you are. You are not just my knight. I see you as a brother." Vidar bent his head to press into his King's hand, silent tears dripping down his face. Leoric then brought his sister and his knight's hands together in unison before him. "In the honor bestowed in me, I name thee my heir, the new King of Einarsson." He struggled with his next breaths, Vidar's grip firm on Sigrid's hand but his breath shaky as he met the woman's eyes across from him. Her hold on him was strong, unwavering. His heart began to pound in earnest. They were one. "Take care of my sister, brother."

Vidar kissed Leoric's forehead, crying against him. "I will."

The light then flickered out in Leoric Edmund Einarsson's eyes, and his soul joined his ancestors in Valhalla.

Vidar's arrow flew true, the flame licking at the ship it embedded into, Leoric's earthly body adorned with weapons and Storulven pelts, the wolf fur devoured by the heat of the blaze. Sigrid stood beside him, their knights flanking their back. But this would not be the end of their legendary brethren. In honor of his life, a grand wedding was held, inviting allies far and wide to witness the matrimony of Einarsson's long lost Queen, Sigrid Ylva and the most worthy and loyal of knights, Vidar Einarsson.

Before all the court, Enkh-Amgalan was knighted, his bravery and treason against his mother-country deeming him a rightful spot beside the One True Ruler.

To Aelfraed's delight, the King and his Queen were blessed with two children, the family name promised in generations to come: Edmund, in honor of Leoric, and Járnsaxa.

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