Chapter Ten

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- + Liv + -

"So, what're we gonna do about Tiffany?" I asked Lexi. We were at my house, doing homework at my dining table.

Lexi's head shot up. She looked at me with shocked eyes. "Are you crazy?! She's a murderer Liv! She could easily kill us if we interferred with her plans!"

"But what kind of plans would a teenage killer have?"

"I don't know! Maybe... maybe someone who tries to go after her boyfriend!"

"But we've been hanging around Matt kinda alot lately... more so you."

Lexi's hands covered her mouth. "Oh-mi-gosh... oh-mi-gosh..." She repeated over and over into her palms.


Lexi moved her hands away from her mouth. "She might come after me..."

"Look, let's just forget about it okay? Out of mind, out of sight."

"I'm pretty sure that it's the other way around."

"Okay then, how about we call the police?"

"Don't you watch horror movies?! Once the victim calls the police they either: a) Don't believe them or b) The killer comes and kills or kidnaps them before the police arrive!"

"First thing you need to do is to calm down..."

"'Calm down'?! You're not the one who's in potential danger!"

I sighed and continued with my Maths homework. There's no arguing against Lexi, once her mind was made up, she wouldn't budge. Anyway, it's not like she tried to steal Matt away from Tiffany, they just talked a few times. And if anything happened between them Lexi would tell me... right?!


- + Matt + -

"C'mon Tiff... I have to go for soccer practice." I moaned at her.

She turned around from the full length mirror to face me. Her pale hands clutched the hanger holding a deep red dress with a slit down the side.

"But we're going to the dance together so we need to colour co-ordinate."

I sighed. "I'll be wearing a black tux. Can I go now?"

Tiffany narrowed her eyes. Then her face relaxed and she exhaled. "The keys are in the left pouch in my purse." She gestured to the black bookbag sitting on the wooden corner stool.

I rummaged through it until I found my Mercedes Benz car keys.

"See ya." I said and gave her a quick kiss.

"Mm-hmm." She mumbled as she viewed her reflection.

"Wait! How will I get home?" Tiffany called out as I neared the exit of the store.

"I'll come pick you up later."

"Thank you Matty." She smiled.

I smiled back and left.

Today was Friday the 20th, and the Winter Dance was only two weeks away, on Saturday the 4th. Each day that passed filled me up with more anxiousness. Every day, I remembered Chelsea's gruesome death. And every time I looked at Tiffany, I remembered what she had told me after I found the body.


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