Chapter 10

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---------JANET'S POV---------
No! Come on he was about to tell me! I walk to my door, confused at who would be here this late. I open it and see my brother in front of me. "Oh. It's just my handsome little bro. I thought there was someone at the front door. What are you doing up little guy?!"
He looks at me scared,"No. There is someone at the door. I heard someone knock and it woke me up and I got scared so I came here cause I knew my big sissy would protect me!" He smiles up at me and I smile back.
I make sure the door is not fully open so he doesn't see Wayne or else he'll start asking all these questions and want to see him. But I don't want him to see Wayne like that.
"Ok well why don't you get back to bed and I'll see who it is and tell you." He nods and I turn around and mouth 'I'll be right back' to Wayne, then I take my brother to his room. I put him in bed and tell him I'll be back in a few minutes. I go to the front door, wondering who it could be. It's probably Rose looking for Wayne. I look through the peephole on the door but the front lights were off so I couldn't see. Thinking it's Rose, I open the door. But it isn't Rose. It's someone else. I can't tell who. This person is wearing a black jacket and has their head down. I open the door just a little. "Um can I help you?" I look the person up and down and his shoes catch my eye. (Im pretty sure it's a guy) I've seen those shoes before. But where? "Um excuse me. Who are y..." Then I remember and a familiar voice echoes in my head saying 'You'll regret that you little..'
I try to close the door but before I can Jake pushes it open, slamming the door behind him.
"What are you doing here?!" I say moving backwards, trying to hide my fear.
"Oh just.. hanging out." He says with a smirk on his face and evil in his voice. "I heard my little devil brother is here. He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No he w.." Before I could finish Jake said,"Oh not yet? That's odd."
"Why are you here Jake?"
"You know why I'm here. I know you like me. I know you being mad is just a coverup for how you really feel about me."
"You wanna know how I really feel about you? I hate you! I think you're a horrible freak! I mean how could you do that to your brother?! You're own brother!! No! You think I like you?" I laugh at him, mockingly. "I could never like someone as crazy as you." His hands tighten into fists and his face turns red with anger. He starts walking towards me and I start walking back. "You're really good at playing hard to get." Without realizing, my back hits the wall so I try to move away from him but he puts his arms up so I'm stuck. My back up against the wall, him in front of me, and his arms to my right and left. He still has a smirk on his face as I try to move, but he's stronger than me and I can't get out of his grasp. "I guess you're dream is coming true." He goes in to kiss me but before he can I slap him. He looks at me again, with eyes of rage and I try to run. But he grabs the back of my pajamas and I hear a rip. The left sleeve of my pajamas ripped. He picks me up and throws me on the couch. I try to get up but before I can, he goes on top of me. I'm about to scream but before I can he puts his hand on my mouth and says,"Now do you really want to wake your little brother up like that. Again.." I look at him confused. He laughs and says,"Yup. I know a lot of things. I know about your uncle, I know about what happened to your brother, and I know about your little hospital visits." I glare at him, his hand still on my mouth and him still on me. I bight his hand and he yells then says, "Oh you're gonna wish you didn't do that." He grabs my arms and squeezes them hard. I tell him to stop and he says in a cruel voice,"Why? Does it hurt?"
"My brother is already awake! He told me he heard someone at the door. I told him I'd be in his room in a few minutes."
"And why does that matter."
I have to think quickly,"Because.. what if he comes out to see where I am and sees you. He will.. probably get scared and tell Wayne. I know Wayne can beat you in a fight. You only hurt him today because he got distracted. And he's not even that hurt. He's actually more mad then ever and can probably break you if he sees you. Especially like this!" Of course my little brother doesn't know Wayne's here and Wayne's not in a good condition but Jake doesn't know that. He loosens his grip on me and looks around, thinking.
"Well how do I know you're not just going to tell him I'm here anyway? Or tell him to call the police or something."
I don't say anything, trying to think. "You can be behind me and listen to what I tell him."
Right now, thinking about my brother, I don't try to plan anything to get away from Jake because I know he will probably do something to my brother if I try. I just don't want my brother to see something happen to me. He's already seen enough before.
"Ok fine. I'll be behind you then." He gets off of me but is still holding one of my arms. I get up too and he pulls me upstairs where my brothers room is. I go to the room but before I open the door I tell Jake to be quiet. I open the door a little bit, just so I can peek my head in. I see my brother lying in bed and he smiles at me. I smile back and he asks,"Who was it?"
I try to think of what to say,"It was no one. Maybe you just dreamt that someone knocked on the door. It's all ok don't worry." As I talked, I felt Jake's hands on me, somewhere were they shouldn't be, and chills of fear go up my spine.
"Ok. Thank you big sis! Can I get a goodnight kiss?!" I turn around and Jake shakes his head no. I glare at him then turn back to my brother. "Ok I'll be right there." I whisper to Jake,"Just let me say goodnight. There aren't any phones in there or anything." He hesitates. "Fine! But if I find out you did something I will hurt him." I nod.
Those words were enough to make me do anything really. I can't let anyone hurt my brother. I would never be able to forgive myself.
I walk in and go up to his bed. I hold my left shoulder where the pajama ripped so he can't see it. I kiss him on the forehead and say goodnight. He hugs me and says goodnight and I love you. "Love you too. Now go to sleep. And I don't want you to get up anymore ok? You have to sleep." He nods and I walk out. I slowly close the door behind me and right as I turn around, Jake grabs my arm again and practically drags me to the living room.

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