The turning point:pt 1

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Izzy's Pov

I jump awake to the loud noise of Eve banging pots and pans. "Alright I'm up you can stop!"I yelled through the noise

She eventually stopped as I asked her "Where are Jeremy and the girls. "She looked at me as though I was insane

"Bitch it's one pm,they left its a Friday."She said putting a pair of clothes on my bed."What are these for?"I asked looking at the blue clothes that matched with her

"We're going to meet Slater in 30 minutes so I picked out an for you,now go and shower."She said now sitting on my bed.

I stand up and head to the bathroom thinking on how today might go

I stand up and head to the bathroom thinking on how today might go

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(Left Izzy,right Eve)

We arrive at the café Slater said meet him and go inside.I immediately spot Slater as he is sitting on a table right next to the window

"What can we do for you Slater?"I asked making my presence known."Who are you people,how come I have never heard of you two?"He asked

"I'm Elizabeth Gilbert this is my sister Evangeline Gilbert."I told him."You're the sisters of Elena Gilbert the doppelganger."

"We didn't come here to talk family Slater we came here because of your fire problem."Eve said looking between the two of us

"Right,okay the deal was two rings for a house and how long will the house take."I asked pulling out the the daylight rings

"Four to Five days with workers working 24/7"He said looking at the rings "Alright we also expect you to stay in touch even after the house."Eve said taking the rings from my hands.

"Will do,thank you so much."He said as Eve handed him the two daylight rings. We walk out leaving Slater with his new found abilities.

"Why did you call us here?"Bonnie asks as we sit around a circle with a pentagram inside."We're doing a rescue mission well two but this is the first one."I said

"Okay who are we rescuing and why do we need a pentagram."Jere asked."We're rescuing a certain siphoner and the pentagram is just because he's in a different dimension."

"Bonnie did you bring the blood?" I asked."Blood why do you need blood?"Care asked as Bonnie hands me a vile of blood

" We need to repeat this sentence three times ok repeat after me."I said we all closed our eyes as I put the vile in the center

"hac potestate nos adiuva me invoco captivos adiuva me libera illos"

"hac potestate nos adiuva me invoco captivos adiuva me libera illos"

"hac potestate nos adiuva me invoco captivos adiuva me libera illos"

3rd Pov

As they chanted a bright light appeared in the center as a figure then appeared. The figure looked as though he was in his early twenties with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and he was 6'0

He looked confused as but maybe that was because he couldn't move nor speak. As they chant for the 3rd time he looked around but his eye's focused on one girl

The girl with medium blonde hair and she looked as though she was 5'4 maybe shorter.They than opened their eyes to the man standing in the center and he could now see her ocean eyes wich looked like a grey under the sun

"Well this is unexpected,oh sorry where's my manners I'm Kai"


So I just used Google translator for the spell so it may be wrong

hac potestate nos adiuva me invoco captivos adiuva me libera illos

=with this power help us, I call upon the captives, help me free them

Hope you enjoyed


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