Children of the dammed

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Izzy's Pov

It has been two days since the talk I had with my family and for the past two days I have been preparing for another rescue mission but this one I'm going to do it alone

It has been two days since the talk I had with my family and for the past two days I have been preparing for another rescue mission but this one I'm going to do it alone

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          (This is what she's wearing)

I my bag with my grimoire and blood bags I 'borrowed' from the hospital.I go downstairs and see Kai looking at me with amusement in his eye's."And where are you going?"He asked Stepping closer until we were an inch apart

"I'm going to a friend's house."I lied looking down trying to hide the blush on my face."Bonnie's at her dad's and Caroline is on a date try again."He said with a stupid smirk

"Fine I'm going to Whitemore to save my sisters soulmate."I said."And you were going to go alone,with no backup. Do you know how stupid that sounds"He said with a glare

"Look I don't have time for this so either you come with me or move out the way. "I said getting the keys of Elena's car knowing she'll be pissed.He made no complaints as he followed me to the car and got in the car as I  drove to Whitemore

We reached Whitemore and got out the car."So what are going to do it's not like you can waltz through the door. "He said looking at the building

"Don't worry."I walked away muttering a spell to make it look like I was bitten.I knocked on the door.As soon as Wes opened the door I snapped his neck .

I motioned for him to follow as I get inside.We then hear an alarm and more than ten people rush at us I start snapping their necks as Kai goes and switches the alarm off

We walk downstairs and saw empty cells.We reached the end of the hallway and see a figure in one of the cells."Enzo" I called hoping that it wasn't someone else.

"Who are you and how do you know my name"replied a man with a british accent.I follow the voice to the cell and stood by the door.

"Don't worry Enzo I'm not going to hurt you,I just want to save you."I said unlocking the door with a spell.

I got out two blood bags and offered them to him.He hesitantly took the blood bags and got out of the cell looking at me and Kai with a look I couldn't figure understand .

3rd Pov

As the three supernaturals walk in the door the vampire stayed behind "Come in Enzo"said Izzy

"So why are we here?"Enzo asked catching up to the two siphoners just as a person yelled "Izzy stop bringing strangers home."

"Sorry this is the last one,promise."She apologized to her aunt looking around she saw everyone each looking at her with worry even her twins had tears in their eyes.

"What happened,why are the twins crying?"Kai asked pulling them into a hug."They are crying because when they woke up they didn't find the both of you,where were you Liz?"Eve asked using the nickname of Izzy in her past life

"Well I went to Whitemore-"."YOU WHAT!"Jenna shouted worried for her niece"You could have gotten hurt,what were thinking!"

"I was thinking of making my sister happy with her two mates."Izzy said looking at her aunt as Eve and Damon look at Enzo shocked.

"What?"Caroline asked. "Guys meet Enzo Eve and Damon's mate,Enzo meet Caroline,Bonnie,Jeremy,Jenna,Lexi and your mates Eve and Damon."Izzy said pointing each of them"Oh and this is my daughter Hope,and my son Noah."

"Nice to meet you all"He said his british
accent prominent as ever.The three mates stare at each other there bond complete and stronger than ever

So Enzo is saved and Eve now has all her soulmates also the reason I'm rushing is I want to get to Katherine and the Mikealsons

Hope you enjoyed


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