The return

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3rd Pov

"So everything went according to plan,but now what do we do?"Eve asked her sister who had just gained consciousness."We hide and wait for her to come here."She said standing up from the hospital bed

"Bonnie,how's Caroline?"Elena asks standing in front of her"She's weak.They don't know if she's gonna make it."She said masking her annoyance with concern

"I can give Caroline some blood."Damon said walking out the shadows with his mates on his tail."No,no way."She denied"Just enough to heal her.She'll be safe in the hospital."Eve said looking at her

"Do it.This is Caroline.Okay we can't let her die.Do it."Bonnie finished walking away from her

The next day was an eventful one as Izzy,Eve, Kai,Damon,Enzo and Stefan all had to go to the Lockwoods to pay their condolences

"She's here."Stefan said looking very anxious."Okay Stefan let's go get your soulmate."

"Hey Elena,Damon said he wanted to
talk to you.oh and he also said to meet upstairs in Tyler's room."Izzy said faking. "Okay." 'Elena' said going upstairs with Stefan

She walked in the werewolfs bedroom but as soon as she walked in the door was locked and Izzy,Eve,Kai appeared in front of her Damon,Enzo,Stefan behind her

"Hey there Kitty."Eve said looking at shocked doppelganger as they had managed to fool her.She tried to run but only to be met with Stefan,who had a solemn look on his face

"What do you want with me"She said seeing as she couldn't run."Nothing we just want to help you."Izzy said

"Okay. How would you help me?"The oldest vampire asked feeling sceptical."We can help you get both your mates,help you by hiding you from Klaus and eventually stop Klaus from ripping your heart."Eve answered walking towards her

"And what about me what do you want me to do?"The survivor asked"We want you to make Elena suffer."Stefan whispered in her ear.

"But first,we have a hospital to get to."Izzy said with a smirk


It was midnight and there were eight people stood around a hospital bed.The bed stirred and the girl woke up with a gasp

"Hey there baby vamp."A blonde said walking out the shadows

Episode one complete and also this book is going to end at the end of Season two but with a different ending

Hope you enjoyed


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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