Fool me once

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Izzy's Pov

I was woken to my phone ringing I pick it up and see it was a call from Slater."Hello Izzy here."I answered

"Sorry to bother you but I just wanted to tell you that your house is finished and furnished but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to move in ."He said on the other end."Ok thanks."I hung up getting ready for the day.

I finished getting dressed and went to the twins bedroom but I'm surprised as I see them both dressed and Kai doing Hope's hair

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I finished getting dressed and went to the twins bedroom but I'm surprised as I see them both dressed and Kai doing Hope's hair

"There you go princess,all done."He said getting up"Thank you Daddy."Hope said hugging him."Sorry to break the moment."I said still standing by the doorway.

"Mommy"Noah came running being a mommy's boy."Hey baby."I said picking him up.

"How's my Queen doing"Kai said giving me a peck on the lips with Hope in his arms."Ew,Mommy and Daddy are gross"They said I'm sinc."Shut up let's go"I say with a fake glare and they giggled

"Mommy where we going,we're going to see uncle Damon,Enzo and aunty Eve."I said.Ever since Enzo came Eve packed up and went to live at the boarding house with her mates and since the house is finished I want to talk with her and see if she and the boys will live with us.

"Anna took Elena."Is the first thing we hear as we enter the boarding house."Yeah we got that from your 600 voicemails."Damon said Hope immediately ran and hugged him"Uncle Dames"."Hey there short stack two."He said chuckling.

"Damon who's child is this?"Stefan asks looking constipated as usual."That would be mine I don't think we met I'm Izzy,Elena and Eve's sister."I introduced myself with a fake smile

"Elena do you know where she is?"He asked with worry."Yes,but telling you will cost a price"I said."What's the price?"He asked.

I took his arm rolling up his sleeve and see two soulmarks



He pulled his arm away looking scared but hid it."Well,well,well it seems that little Stefan is not as innocent as he claims to be.Damon,Enzo,Eve come on we have to go."I called to the three who were entertaining the kids.

As we head out I stop Stefan by the door"Look Stefan you may think that Elena loves and cares for you the way you do her,but she doesn't.Eve calls me everyday complaining about how Elena is trying to get Damon to Fall for her.You don't deserve that kind of treatment from a girl who can't even stay in a relationship for more than a few months and I know you may not want to hear this but you cannot keep risking your life for a girl that isn't even your soulmate."I walked away leaving him in his own thoughts before he finally got in the car

We arrive at the motel that Anna lives.I get out the car rushing in opening the door and curtains.Stefan came rushing with a stake in his hand,he stabbed Ben in the heart.I ran to the bathroom opening it and see Elena standing over an unconscious Bonnie I feel my heart sink looking at my little fourteen year old."Elena move."I said pushing her out the way picking up the girl I call my sister.

"Oh Stefan."Elena said I turned around to see Elena hugging him after a few minutes he hesitantly returns the hug."Ok let's go I have a witch to wake."I said leaving the motel to see four worried faces."What happened is she ok?"Kai being the first one who asked "Yeah she's fine just unconscious" I said putting her in the back I see them all relax,and finally Stefan and Elena came back to the car.

"Ok let's go."I said starting the car once everyone was inside driving back to the boarding house.

"Okay can someone explain what the hell is happening."Elena said in her snarky attitude."Me and Eve are witches."I said not bothering to look at her focused on Bonnie."Okay and who the hell is he?"She asked with attitude

"I'm Kai and you must be the doppel-bitch."He said looking up from Bonnie to her.After having finally using a healing I found in my grimoire Bonnie woke up."Hey omg,are you ok?" Eve asked pushing me outthe way but Kai stopped me just before I hi the floor.

"Yes Care I'm fine."She said getting up from the couch."Why did Ben kidnap me?" She asked no-one in particular

"Because Anna told him to. Listen Anna is a vampire much older than Damon and Stefan the reason she kidnapped you was because they need a witch to open a tomb and her mother is in that tomb."I explained feeling a look of jealousy at the back of my head

"Cleared the debris away,set the torches like you asked we can get down now."Stefan said coming up to the surface. "What is that?"Bonnie asks looking at the flame thrower."It's everything I need to destroy the rest."I replied.

"Are we ready?"Elena asks as she and Damon arrive Damon greeting Eve and Enzo both with a kiss on the cheek."I guess so?"Bonnie said, Sheila looking at the three mates curiously.

"Air.Earth.Fire.Water"."That's it?Just water from the tap?"Elena asks "As opposed to what?"I replied looking at her annoyed.

"I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something."She said with an'I-know-it-all' attitude            

3rd Pov

The night went on as planned Anna came with Jeremy as a hostage.She left with her mother.After everyone was out Eve,Izzy and Kai set everything on fire

Sheila still died so Izzy decided to host a girls night with each of the girls except Elena.

The boys had a guys night with everyone including Stefan as they thought he'd use one since he was been dealing with Elena

Again sorry if this seems rushed also the next chapter will be a short one because it's just them moving in the house.

Hope you enjoyed


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