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This story is dedicated to Harry Styles. With his gorgeous curls and willing to please everyone attitude, I love him far too much. I hope that one day I will share my love with him but until that day I have to be content with writing about him. Harry Styles, with your infectious smile and humerous attitude, I love you so much and never change you beautiful creature ♥

I was a solider, plain and simple. 

A solider that fought for my country and never let anything come past the thick layer of skin I had built, a solider that never gave up for Queen and Country,  a solider that spent a year of my life in a hell hole called Afghanistan and a solider that refused to fall for anyone, no matter how much they meant to me.

I had just got back from the worst year but also the best year of my life which I spent in Afghanistan, fighting with every fibre in my body.

Mum and Dad had gone through a messy divorce, my brother had left home to pursue a different career, and mum had her friend and her freakishly famous son over for afternon tea. He was the jerk from high school which at every oppertnity made me feel like shit but for some incredulously weird reason, he had become well known with far too many adoring fans. 

Harry Styles.

He was one of the many reasons that I wanted to become a solider. It wasn't like he had abused me or verbally mistreated me, he was always of more importance to my mother than me. She was always gushing over the new award they had won and the new single that had hit top of the charts and I always had to succomb an eye roll. 

So I did something with my life that I thought would make me happy, I joined the army.

I stuck through the pure hell of training and had to leave every single friend and every member of family that meant enough to me to say a proper goodbye. Seventeen was a young age to have that much independance but I felt like I deserved some time alone. 

It was a year and a few months since I left when I returned back to rainy Cheshire, nothing much had changed apart from the tad more posters relishing Harry's success in the music business.

My mum came up to me and clinched me in her arms, implying that she missed me and all shit like that, I knew for a fact that she didn't miss me in the slightest though. I embraced Anne and believed her words when she said that she missed me. Anne was always the other mother to me. Every Saturday afternoon I would skip down the road and invite myself into her house where we would often bake delicious cupcakes and have a tea party with various stuffed animals.

My gaze drifted over to Harry and I was shocked to see how much he hadn't changed. 

Same curly locks, same cold emerald eyes, same small dimples, same icy stare. I was positive that he never looked like that to his fans so it intruiged me as to why he acted like that to me.

“Long time no see Styles, how's your stupidly easy life treating you?" I ridiculed and he rolled his teal eyes and sighed with a frustrated manner. 

“You haven’t lost your touch Rose; the easy life isn’t easy at all.” He said with coldness airing in his voice.

“Isn’t easy? Last time I thought, you just did a few concerts a week on a tour bus and let the fans do all your work.” I retorted back and before he could stutter a weak comeback, I strutted out of the cozy living area and into my own room.

It hadn’t changed a bit, same sky blue painting, same tattered posters of unheard bands falling off since the tack had long since worn off, same picture frames dotted around the shelf surfaces around my room. I laid my backpack down on the carpeted floor and took my khaki army beret off my head, letting my collar bone length blond locks fall out of its scraped back tight bun. 

I re-evaluated my life at that moment, curled up on my straw hanging chair, hugging a cushion like it was a human being. I thought of all the advantages and disadvantages of doing what's best for the country. I thought of what I was going to do then, get a job, go to university, though thinking about it probably not.  What I didn’t think about, was my potential love life.

I didn’t think that someone was going to fall in love with I, Evelynn Alison Rose. The girl who could probably beat the shit out of them  if they ever hurt me. Even I could admit that I wasn't the easiest person to fall in love with but when I fell, I fell hard and far too fast. This theory was also applicable to people I disliked or thought of as enemies. 

Plot twist. That enemy was Harry Styles and he somehow managed to wriggle his way into every cell, bone, fibre and drop of blood of my body.

I wasn’t going to let him go down without somewhat of a fight. He had to earn my heart but I never said that it would be easy or even possible.

I was clueless as to why he wanted me or what he was going to do to seal my approval for him but I knew one thing for sure.

He was going to try.


A/N: So here it is, the first installment of 'Inked'. I completely love this idea, like asdfghjkl I don't even know how I managed to think of it to be honest! 

I will try and keep going with this because I love it, I really do. I bet this story will become one of my little babies. Oh my god, I'm calling my stories baby. I must be getting weirder every day. 

Please comment your feedback and vote for the chapters because it really means so much to me when people leave me lovely comments and tell me to update. 

See you all soon when I next decide to update :) 

Dedication to @AlexandraJoy because she is one of my closest friends on here and asdfghjkl she's perf :) love you Lex x 

Amy x 

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