xxiv. weak

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I could hear the stressed sounds from around me, everything just seeming all too confusing as the flurry of voices rush around. I can feel someone with a limp grip around my left hand, their cold and harsh metal ring -- or rings -- digging into my skin making me clinch their hand and then hear a shocked gasp. I have to admit that the gasp sounded as if it came from a females lips, maybe Alice was on my left side and Harry on my right side?

I fluttered open my eyes, humongous amounts of pain flooding into every fibre as I tried to shuffle into a more comfortable position. At first, all I could see was a crisp white with various coloured silhouettes flitting around but as my eyes focused more, the figures came more coloured and sharper. 

The pain was indescribable, especially flooding down my right leg. I focused my eyes to my left hand which had various pumps gushing clear liquid, probably in an attempt of decreasing the pain. There were many gashes running up my pale arm and some larger ones stitched up. 

The hospital itself smelt like disinfectant and just clean. The kindly looking doctor towered above me, making my breathing rate quicken and my heart seemingly pound faster. I started to hyperventilate and attempted to move my hands from where they were clamped down at the adjacent sides of my body. 

"Ms. Rose, everything is fine but only if you calm down," He exasperated, the American accent coming through thick and strong. 

"Eve, please," The beg from my best friend soothed me, but the hurt laced made me more upset than I had been in a while, the glassy tears rolling down my wounded cheeks, the saltiness stinging in the open cuts. 

Whilst I was crying, the doctors and nurses ran various tests over me, just to check that everything was working the way it hopefully should. I sobbed and whimpered the entirety, and Alice joining in later. They stopped their tests and the kindly doctor was soon the only one left in the room along with Alice, the other sleeping patients and I.

"Well Ms. Rose, there seems to be no internal bleeding and major injuries but you do have a lot of scars and a severly broken ankle, if we can get that all sorted today then you can hopefully be moved out of intensive care since your body is still very weak," He concluded, giving me a genuine smile as he reeled off my test results. 

"T-Thank you," I muttered, using up every ounce of energy to thank the doctor. 

"Yes, well thank you for doing everything you can to make sure she survived, I'm glad she's here even if Josh isn't," Alice's voice cracked in the middle, and my mind filled with confusion.

Where was Josh? Was he dead or just in another ward? I wonder if there were any further accidents? 

Were the overwhelming thoughts which I was trying to process in my mind. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, gently moving my eyes in Alice's direction. She simply shook her head in sorrow and also shut her eyes. 

"Josh is dead Evie, he died on scene," She concluded, causing a burst of sadness to rush through my body like a plane on a runway. 

One of my very best friends was dead. He no longer was breathing and I would never speak another word to the boy I very much adored, neither would anyone else. He took his last breath the moment we got in that crash, but the only thing I was grateful for is that he had no real bout of pain, it was all over quickly. Imagine what Alice was going through, a young girl having to cope with mourning her boyfriend whilst staying strong for her best friend, the girl suddenly became a huge inspiration for me. 

I just wanted to open my arms and let Alice hug me until she was all hugged out, but because of my bound arms, it was impossible at this moment. Instead, my thoughts moved onto something else. 

Where was Harry?

 The curly haired boy was the one person I expected to be by my side day in, day out, but where was he? I opened my dry throat to ask Alice the question I much needed an answer for. 

"Where is Harry?" I asked, and Alice buried her head in her hands and groaned. 

"I don't want you to hear this, but he hasn't been here for a few days. Been too busy with his new girlfriend," She scoffed when she said 'new girlfriend' like she didn't believe it was happening, and neither did I. 

"N-New girlfriend?" I stumbled over words as I tried to fathom the fact that Harry had possibly forgottten about the girl he was 'oh so caring' about whilst she was lying in a hospital bed with more injuries than he'd had in his whole petty life. 

"I'm so sorry that you had to hear that, but it's better you know that now than finding out in the media?" Alice desperately tried to calm me down, but failing miserably. 

"I-I thought he loved me, I thought that he cared for me, but n-no, he goes off with another girl and acts like we never had anything. He got a tattoo for m-me Alice?" She gasped loudly at the latest plot-twist in the drama of this romance. 

"He has a tattoo for you?!" She half-screamed and half-whispered in disbelief. 

"Does he?" An American accent also asked, joining in with the disbelief. 

"Does who?" An all too familiar accent also joined in. 

"I don't think you two should be here," Alice said as she tried to rid the room of the 'new lovers', but going by their concrete arguments, they weren't budging. 

"I want to see her!" Harry protested, and pushed past Alice's strong grasp as he rushed towards my limp body. 

"I missed you so much Evelynn, how are you?!" He gushed and tried to clinch onto my right hand, but more grabbing onto my fingers. 

"G-Go away, I don't want you or your new g-girlfriend to be here!" I whispered and he was shocked to the bone. 

"You want me to go?" He whispered and I nodded lightly. "Fine, I'll go." 

He stormed out, knocking over a chair in his path and screaming angrily. I sobbed harder than I had since I woke up,

and for the first time, I honestly wished that I'd never woken up.


A/N: I have no idea how many chapters this will be, maybe about thirty?

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i love you all more than anything ever!

amy. xxx

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