3 } true love or not?

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After the shit I did to Plan, our relationship got worse and the fandom started to notice. We've got a lot of tweets asking us what was wrong and why we didn't look as close as before but we both ignored it.

We already had planned another series for the next year and couldn't allow our feelings to ruin it.

During the year when I was graduating, my schedule got even busier. This time I had my own series with Plan without other mains and we wrote the script together again though I didn't think it was as good as the last time. I still didn't believe it could get better since Plan stopped talking to me and it was getting worse at work.

"Hey... if it continues like this, maybe I should leave after our series and fanmeetings end. It's pointless to pretend we are a couple now, fans are starting to notice there's something wrong." He didn't look at me but opened his mouth.

"Typical of you, having problems at work and leaving, as if life was that easy."

"Hey! I'm just looking for a solution! It's suffocating for us to do the fanservice right now, isn't it? P'Tha would let me return. I don't want to ruin our upcoming series though so we better start talking to each other again."

"GMMTV again? What about your crush? Is seeing him with his partner more acceptable for you than staying here? I guess you should have stayed where you were then."

"You know it wasn't the only reason why I left and here I realized that I could write scripts. I could eventually do screenwriting if I didn't get any role."

"Okay... leave if you want. Nothing holds you here I guess. Not even the contract for five years since you've got protection from your CEO but don't try to ever return. We are not a shelter for abandoned actors, get it?" I gulped when he looked at me intimidatingly. What could I do to make the atmosphere between us better?

I knew I wouldn't get an understanding from Plan so I joined P'Boun and P'Prem when they were on their way home.

"Guys... can I talk to you?" They looked at each other and nodded.

"You look stressed, is something the matter?" P'Boun looked at me worried.

"It's just... did you two have a serious argument? I don't know how to talk to Plan anymore."

"Oh, not really. Prem is also from a different agency but they are really friendly with Studio Wabi Sabi so Prem could spend more time with me here. We became really inseparable. Our friendship is really precious to us, right?" P'Prem smiled and nodded. That sounded like me and Khaotung. It's seriously easier when the official pairings are friends but we didn't start as that with Plan.

"I see... I don't think we can even be like this and honestly it's getting worse. I even mentioned that I'd leave so we could get more space but made him angry again..."

"Leave? Like back to your friends?" I nodded. I really miss them. P'Tay and P'Bright always took good care of me as if I were their younger brother. I wanted to become more independent and improve my skills but now I don't wish for anything else than to come back.

"I see, well, it's understandable but don't rush it. If you left suddenly, it would cause a lot of controversy."

"I know! I don't want to come out as an ungrateful actor and ruin the image of P'New! I'll stay till my new series and fan meetings are over. By the way... how is it going with Between us? I heard that you have a lot of mature scenes." P'Boun coughed and P'Prem looked away.

"Well... you'll barely see us with shirts on there but there'll be mainly drama. Prem's character Team suffers from PTSD and my character Win will be comforting him almost every night... sometimes a little differently."

ROMANCE over FRIENDSHIP | FirstKhaotung Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now