5 } our universe ~ 18+

718 19 11

My life revolved around Khaotung again. I've been watching his series and spending time with him when he came to support me at my shooting. I was coming to his fan meetings and he was coming to mine but unfortunately we weren't careful and a photo of us hugging each other leaked out.

I was bombarded with questions and hates and so was Khaotung. The worst was that we dragged Plan into it though he was just my on-screen partner.

"I thought you didn't want to ruin our series, First, but fans are turning their backs on us now. Well done."

"Hey! It was just a hug! I hug all of my friends! I don't know why people are taking it so seriously. I've got many photos where I was hugging my friends." He smirked insidiously.

"You weren't spotted hugging people when we were labeled as on-screen partners but now there's this photo of you hugging your boyfriend completely smitten. They'll see the difference between acting and pure love." I sighed. Why were our fans making everything so complicated?

"So? What should I do? Come out forcefully and tell the truth or say it's a normal hug between old friends?"

"You know what? Rather ignore it. You'd bring more attention upon yourself if you responded to this but we should promote our series better. Spend more time together and do the fanservice to let people know everything's fine between us."

"So we are going to fake affection towards each other. Great."

"It's you who got us into it so don't you try to back away." I agreed to stop his nagging and saving myself from a migraine.

We had to do more photoshoots together, looking like fresh lovers on every photo and were taking selfies on different places. I already felt bad that all of this was fake, we weren't even friends anymore but Khaotung genuinely believed this all was love.

Khaotung knew about it and even said he'd convince Pod to take more photos as well but I didn't want him to sacrifice himself anymore.

"I owe it to Plan but you don't owe Pod anything. If you are able to withstand the hate for a while, we'll be soon loved together but you have to wait for me." He embraced me wholeheartedly and leaned onto my torso.

"I wanted to do it for you, silly. To calm the TonhonChonlatee or PodKhaotung fans but I see you are strong enough to handle them on your own. You don't need me." I laughed at his sulking and when he was trying to get off me, I pushed him even closer and pecked his forehead.

"Of course I need you but not like this. I just need someone to hug when I come home from tiring work, someone who can listen to my blabbering and someone who loves me unconditionally just like I love him. Our profession is the same but I still hope we can separate it from our personal life where you don't belong to anyone but me." He stroked my arm which was clenching his waist when I kept spooning him.

"This is what I always wanted, happiness and the peaceful warming feeling. No stress, quarrels about what I did wrong or didn't do. I haven't felt at ease with anyone as much as with you. With you, I could get used to a talking stage for so long."

"That's why you felt convenient in our friendship and didn't want to change it but now you know I can give you everything for what you seek in your wet dreams." He widened his eyes and tried to hide himself with a cushion which I snatched from him right away and threw it away.

"I heard you, Khao, jerking off in your bedroom after having this dream and moaning my name during it. What else are you hiding from me?"

"You completely unclothed me..."

"Oh I can do that literally if you want." I waited for his answer and didn't touch him without his permission. He was thinking about it.

"I know I can trust you, First, and I want it too. It's just... I think I need more time. Seeing you with Plan so often doesn't have a good impact on me and also sleeping alone while knowing you are on a trip with him and the cast for shooting beautiful Thailand nature but you are sleeping in the same room with him. It makes me feel uneasy." I was glad that he could tell me. He must have been trying hard to hold it in to not hurt me but honesty was very crucial for me.

ROMANCE over FRIENDSHIP | FirstKhaotung Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now