Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in small house cottage located in a village of Malahide Dublin , Ireland , Uma was again having the terrifying nightmare of her past...


"After marriage its the first time I have called my friends at home, I hope everything goes perfectly!!! " Siddharth stated with a tensed voice . " Oh don't worry babe, when I am here there's nothing to worry my sweet husband " Uma replied him back while hugging him and kissing his nose.
It has been one month of their marriage , and as it was a private marriage with their close relatives neither Uma nor Siddharth got a chance to invite their friends in it. Uma didnt want this kind of marriage and on top of it she even didn't  know Siddharth as well. She couldn't understand why her parents married her up in such a rush , though she knew she was a burden for them since her birth as she was born as a girl especially for her dad who always preferred her eldest brother over her.
Everything took place so fast that she couldn't say or think about it. She didn't have a choice in it rather being forced into it. Soon after marriage she moved back to India to settle down with her husband who didn't have parents and lived with his uncle and aunt ,who never had any child of their own and Siddharth was their everything.
Uma used to miss her life back in Nevada in the beginning of her marriage . Being married to a stranger which she couldn't accept in the first place as she never wished to have an arranged marriage. Even though she belonged from an orthodox bengali family but being brought up abroad since the age of three , as her parents shifted to Nevada, USA, due to her father's job. She had a liberal mindset and was a free thinker as well, she never used to believe in arranged marriages , love after marriage , marriage in same caste and so on.
She was different from the rest of her family and the only person who understood her was her best friend Ryan Brooke who lived just beside their house. And Ryan's bed room's window was just opposite to hers . They became  friends when they were in grade five and ever since their friendship grew stronger and they became the best friends who were always there for each other no matter what.
It was only because of him she felt wanted in her life, whenever she was down or gave up hopes to survive he was there for her in order to cheer her up. He was the shoulder on whom she could cry and rely on and she could truly be herself only infront of him .It was him who made her see the bright side of life and also taught her that no matter what , you should always survive or rather fight to survive because though life is not fair but it is also a beautiful gift from God. He was a ray of light God sent to her amidst the darkness of her life .She still remembered the day when she saw Ryan for the last time , and till date Uma repented that she couldn't say a proper goodbye to him for the very last time. But she could never forget her best friend who taught her to live.
As days passed she got to know Siddharth and slowly started getting over her past memories , especially of her best friend. Her husband started to make her feel wanted again after Ryan , by his touch his behaviour , care, empathy and mostly his love. She felt loved for the very first time by her husband, even though her mother loved her but still treated her like an option as their only priority was their son. But soon after marriage her husband made her his priority, the most important person in his life. And again Uma started loving her life since her best friend.

But even after all these , she felt empty in her heart, could she really forget Ryan ??? Was the only question, she used to frequently asked herself, but had no answer to it, and so used to avoid the feeling everytime, whenever she used to remember her life , back in Nevada.....
Evening came Uma was also excited along with her husband ,to meet his friends for the very first time and know more about Siddharth from them. Slowly the guest started coming and both the newlywed gave them a warm welcome in their small yet beautifully decorated apartment which they rented when they moved to Nagpur for Siddharth's job posting.
Everything was going pretty well and everyone was enjoying the party. Siddharth introduced his wife to all his friends and they all liked her as well. They had food along with drinks and all, followed with laughters and chattings. Slowly it was time for everyone to say goodbye and many friends started departing as well, and when the party was almost over, Uma started cleaning up the place along with settling the remaining food inside the fridge when suddenly she noticed few voices of laughter coming from their bed room, then the thing came into her mind, that from the late evening her husband was out of sight ,so out of curiosity Uma went inside the bedroom and saw in utter surprise that Siddharth and two of his friends were drinking alcohol non stop on the bed as if drinking water and were totally drunk , they were not within themselves only, but still they didn't care to stop pouring another glass. They made the entire bed sheet and floor dirty by throwing foods every where and alcohol bottles loitering here and there. Uma couldn't believe that anyone can consume so much alcohol within this short period of time and on top of it , her husband was one of them.
When they were about to open another pair of bottles Uma quickly rushed in and told Siddharth's friends politely to stop drinking as it was too late and that they should go back to their home. To which his friends gave a disgusting look at her and sarcastically told Siddharth " Congratulations Sid to get a wife like this who is politely telling us to get out... Good ! Gooooood jjjooooobbb!!!! " . With it they got up barely being able to walk and left the flat followed by Uma with a small smile dancing on her face followed by an apology for her behaviour as she bid them goodbye. While all these took place , Siddharth didn't say a single thing .
When Uma came back to the room after closing the door , she saw Siddharth was fast asleep on the the bed. But there was no clean place left on the bed for her to sleep. So she covered her husband with a sheet and  went to the drawing room and slept on the couch  for the night. Little did she knew that this small act of her will haunt her for the rest of her life.
Around four "o" clock in the morning , somebody threw hot water on Uma' s body , and she quickly got up in shock and pain from her sleep, since her body started burning due to the hot water but when she opened her eyes ,she was beyond surprise to see Siddharth standing near her head with a big bowl in his hand, but before she could understand or say something ,he dragged her down by her hair from the couch and threw her on the floor. He pulled her hair with such force that it seemed that her skull would come out any moment , Uma couldn't utter a single word except tears of pain and shock flowing down her eyes. But before she could react to the situation and get up from the floor her husband again came near her and gave a strong punch on her face and she immediately started bleeding from her nose and lips . Uma laid on the floor bleeding without being able to move due to the hard punch and the throw, but still her husband was not satisfied with that, even in such conditions he sat near her body , harshly pulled her face by her hair near his face and said " Don't ever dare to insult my friends again or that day will be the last day of your life" with it he threw her body on the floor and left the house locked from outside so that she couldn't go outside for help.
Uma laid on the floor helpless, heartbroken, scared for her life and bleeding at the same time. For a moment she felt that her husband would kill her. Her entire body was burning and shaking in fear and her head was paining like it will burst out anytime due to the hard pulling , tears were continuously running down her eyes and her heart was shattered into million pieces as her happy married life shattered infront of her eyes . And she understood that till then she was living in a fool's paradise, and her life was back to sqare one again,dipped in negligence and agony.

Present Time

"Ma ! Ma ! Ma! Maa! Maa! Ma! Maa get up you are shaking in fear again , ma get up !! You are scaring me. Ma ! Its just a dream again, I am here Ma get up. Everything is fine now. Ma!! You are having those nightmares again. Please get up Ma, please ! " Vedika called in a shaky panicked voice as she started crying after seeing her mother's condition, the moment she came from school, she went to her mother's room after searching her in the entire house, as her mother was not present to recieve her from the School bus like everyday. Once she opened her mother's bedroom door, she was filled with horror to see her mom in such a condition, shaking in fear with tears running down her eyes which was firmly shut, her palm was fisted so tightly  that her knuckles grew white, her legs were desperately shaking in fear and her entire body was sweating profusely. Its not that she didn't witness her mother in such  conditions during sleep before, for the past two years, but still she panicked everytime whenever she saw her mother in such a state as she didn't want to lose her mom at any cost as she was everything to her and whenever the little girl sees her mother like this she feels scared and bad for her mother as well .
Seeing her Ma's condition, Vedika quickly ran downstairs to call her grandma aunt but she was not there in the house as she went to the store for the day with a note on the fridge. Being alone Vedika panicked more , but being an intelligent and sensible girl from her childhood ,as  she witnessed and suffered many brutal things infront of her, she told herself to calm down , and then she quickly went back to her mother again but this time with a soft voice and a calm hand , touched her mother's cheek and called " Ma ! I am here , your Vinny, I love u mom. Please get up, I am back from school". And the moment she finished the sentence her mom briskly opened her eyes with terror written all over her face and a bloodshot eyes filled with tears.
But the moment she saw her daughter near her and the little girl's eyes were filled with tear . She understood that she was again having the same traumatic attack , so without being able to control herself as she felt sorry for her daughter to put her in such situation and to see her mother in this condition. She pulled Vedika in her arms and both mom and daughter broke down,  with Vedika saying in a cute shaky voice " I got so scared to see you like this Ma , I don't want to lose you ever Ma, I love you so much" . This broke Uma's heart more and she held her little seven years old daughter tightly in her arms and said in a coaxing tone " my dear baby , I am really sorry to scare you. Ma will never leave you and will always be there with you my baby girl. You are my life my child , you don't know how much I love you, you are the reason of my existence and nothing else matters to me ".  With this Uma held her Vinny close to her embrace and kissed her head with tears of pain and sorrow in her eyes.

Siddharth Roy, the devil in disguise of a human and the tormentor of Uma's life, who destroyed her both physically and mentally and pushed her to the verge of death

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Siddharth Roy, the devil in disguise of a human and the tormentor of Uma's life, who destroyed her both physically and mentally and pushed her to the verge of death... And he promised her , that she will never be free from his clutch, for he owns her soul....

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