Chapter 9

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The moment Uma hurriedly left the wedding without telling bye to anyone, Ryan immediately texted Kim to look into the matter , as he was not ready yet to do it by himself. After Kim left their table to get the information, Ryan asked Vicky in an annoying voice " Was it really necessary to repeatedly ask Uma about her husband ? When she was visibly not comfortable to answer it and was totally self conscious about it ? " Vicky who was scrolling through her Instagram, innocently , looked up at her fiance and replied " Oh come on babe !! she is married with a daughter, and as a normal person I just asked her about her husband , I don't think its a crime to ask a married woman about her man ?? , besides she was always so weird from the beginning and now also she didn't change at all... How rudely she left the party without even telling us goodbye , even after meeting us after ages. Huhh!! I believe its her old habit to ghost out everytime!!..." Vicky finished the last sentence with a mocking laugh at the end.

Ryan was totally vexed on Vicky being so condescending towards Uma. She always used to looked down at Uma, from the very day he introduced her to his bestfriend. Vicky always used to complain Ryan about Uma, and used to push him to end the friendship with her, but being a strong willed person, he didn't let his love life interfere with his friendship. Even after Uma disappeared for eight years , Veronica kept on telling him to give up his hope to meet her, as she had already broken the friendship and his trust long back. But he never listened to her and always kept the belief that one day he will meet his bestfriend, and that belief of his came true today.

Ryan was about to say something on Uma's defense, when all of a sudden Sheldon spoke up in an annoyed tone "Oh shut up Vicky!! You don't even know her situation or anything about her present life !!!, Just because your life is an easy one and is filled with money , parties, vanity , getting a handsome rich fiance and all , that doesn't mean everyone is on the same track. You can't judge anyone's life based on yours." To which Vicky just gave a small reply filled with attitude " Whatever geek !! ".

Ryan had enough of Vicky's behaviour now, not only did she called Sheldon geek but she always insulted Uma, whenever she got a chance, though Uma never talked bad about her even at her back. Thus he was  about to make her stop with this arrogant behaviour of hers , when suddenly Karen came to Veronica's table and fetched her away for the bridemaids' photoshoots along with the bride and groom, and also informed that, after that the bride will throw her flower bouquet. Vicky excitedly stood up from her chair , totally ignoring Ryan's frustrating glare,  but before leaving like a bossy fiance told him that " Ryan !! Darling , please keep yourself out of that weirdo's matter, you know how she is, its better to stay out of trouble, besides she broke the friendship with you long term back as well as your trust. Please!! Don't waste time on her, Ok?? And listen , come to the main garden fast once you are done with your work on the phone. Don't be late babe!! . I don't want to miss a single picture without you, as well as the flower bouquet throwing ceremony...I know I am gonna catch it !!! " With it she kissed Ryan and winked her eyes, then went along with Karen.

"Huh , really Dude !!! Is she for real?? What has gotten into Vicky all of a sudden??"  Was Sheldon's response, as soon as Veronica left the table. Ryan was about to reply back his friend when Kim rapidly came back to the table and told his friend about the entire matter.

Kim first ran at the back of Uma in order to know what's going on, and even shouted out her name, but Uma was in such a hurry that ,she ran along to her car and drove it as fast as she could with her daughter. Disappointed by not getting any response from her, suddenly he came up with an idea . He straight away went to the table where the mother and daughter were seated. Once reaching the table , he asked the two elderly couple(Mr and Mrs Ken) with a concerning look , why the young lady ran off along with her daughter in such a hurry , to which Mr Ken asked him " and who are you young man , asking for the young lady's whereabouts ?" Kim instantly replied him back " Sir, my name is Kim Jung ,and I am an old close friend of Uma's, I believe that you have noticed that she came down to our table to greet us". To which the old man nodded with a smile and said " Oh , so you people are her old school friends?.". Kim replied an yes, and then asked him what's going on with her, that she even didn't bother to bid them goodbye even meeting them after ages .

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