Chapter 18

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Modi Bhawan,

6:00 pm.


Shreya popped a piece of pakoda into her mouth as she asked Aashna, "So Aashna, what do you do? Any corporate job like Aarav?" Aashna shifted on the sofa, Devki had left her with the guests. She forced a smile, "I, uh, I am--was a teacher in government school." Shreya paused mid-chewing and everyone else stopped and stared at her. It was Akhil who spoke up in disbelief, "Really?! I can't believe this! Aarav accepted a girl who was not up to his standards. You know, Rehana is the daughter of a conglomerate. She is the COO and heiress of Jindal Construction Company. He never accepts anything less than a well-accomplished person. Strange!" Aashna looked down. For the first in her life, she felt unqualified. She was always proud to be a teacher and provide education. But today, she felt that she was lacking. She was getting to know facts about her husband which were so much different from how she thought of him.

Kalpit, who was sitting beside her, held Aashna's fumbling hands on her lap, as he said, "Aashna is a heiress herself of Parekh textile industries. Yet, she chose something that she loves, teaching. The best part is she teaches underprivileged children in the garden. I admire her so much for her kind and generous heart. Rich people always opt to donate money to causes and NGOs but not Aashna. She is different." Aashna stared at Kalpit as he was already looking at her. Her heart filled with warmth. Nobody has appreciated her before and spoke so highly of her. She smiled with light tears in her eyes at Kalpit, gratitude full. Kalpit squeezed her hand, returning her smile.

"That's impressive and commendable," Rehana's voice broke their moment. Aashna didn't remove his hand as she smiled at Rehana, "Thank you." Nikhil, grinning, asked next, "I am curious, how did you and Aarav meet?" Aashna stilled, the smile falling from her face. How can she tell them that she never met Aarav before their unexpected marriage, that she saw him for the first time at mandap?

Everyone waited for Aashna to answer but she didn't. Awkwardness filled the air. Nikhil, impatient, spoke up, "Is it that embarrassing to tell us? Come on!" Aashna shook her head, "No, it's not that --" "Aarav and Aashna met the first time during their wedding," Kalpit supplied as he sensed Aashna was hesitating. Everyone paused with shock, "what?!" Kalpit nodded, "it was Aarav's demand, you know how he is." Nobody refuted that. Aashna again stared at Kalpit in gratitude.

Akhil asked Aashna, curious, "How old are you, Aashna?" Aashna stared at Akhil as she told him, "Twenty-eight." Shreya choked on the tea, "what?! Rehana is also twenty-eight. Does he like older women?" Aashna frowned, "older?" Rehana stared at Aashna, lightly surprised, "You don't know Aarav's age? He is twenty-five." Aashna felt ashamed to not know her husband's age, something so basic. She looked down, embarrassed. "My god, Aashna! I am so surprised that you and Aarav are married. You know nothing about him. How did he even marry you?" Atishay let out his thoughts, sipping tea. Aashna felt her heart fall with what he said. He doesn't know that she never was to marry Aarav. Aashna looked up, biting her lip, blinking her eyes, "I am Aarav's replaced bride."

The room went silent and tense. Everyone stilled with surprise. Aashna's words fell heavy on their minds. Blinking, Shreya stammered, "r-replaced bride?" Aashna nodded through the pain in her heart, "Yes." It was at that moment that Aarav came home. He stopped as his eyes fell on his friends. He noticed the shock on their faces as he overcame his own surprise to find them in his house. His eyes fell on Aashna and how small her face had gone and the tears in her eyes. And finally, his eyes fell on Kalpit's hand holding Aashna's. His jaw tightened. He sat on his knees before Aashna and raised her hands to his mouth, "Aashna, what happened?" Kalpit looked away when Aarav took Aashna's hands away from his.

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