Part 5.

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A/n: who agrees this song is such a vibe?

A Place Unknown. ?¿?

The Bibical God sighed lightly, as he binded the chains on Triexa harder. The beast screeched and tried to claw at him, it's many eyes glaring at him, as the beast growled out.

Triexa-666: "..I will find a way out of here. AND I WILL MAINE AND KILL YOUR OH SO DEAR CREATIONS!" It screeches as The Bibical God strengthened the chains, and the beast yelled out in pain.

Bibical God: "Shut it, Triexa." He said simply and rubbed his forehead. The Bibical God was a eternal being. He can't die. That's why he had to fake his death in order to trap Triexa. The beast that was an opposition to him, the beast that couldn't just die when it's needed.

The Bibical God strengthened the chains, and he walked away and created a mirror. The mirror was a golden color. He picked it up and a face popped up. It was Y/n's face. The Bibical God laughed lightly.

Bibical God: "Y/n, no last name. I give you my blessings." He said, as his hand glowed a holy golden light, and it launched out of the pocket dimension he created. The pocket dimension was infinite in size, and it was just a white plain.

The Bibical God smiled ruefully. He basically banished himself and Triexa to this realm. He could never get out, so that was the last blessings he gave, was going to be his last one ever.

He fell to his knees, as he spit out some golden blood. Yup, definitely going to be his last blessings, because it hurted and drained him like a bitch.

He strengthened the chains again, as the beast cried out and cursed at him like there was no tomorrow.

Bibical God: "Shut it."

With Y/n, and Gabriel..

Y/n: "The names' Y/n, by the way." He said to the currently embarrassed Gabriel as she nodded at him with a red-face.

They were both walking side by side, in New York. He created money using [Creation Of All Things] and let the [Voice Of The World] handle the details on the money.

The reason she was so embarrassed. Well, she was having thoughts of Y/n's laps. It was, too damn comfortable, especially since that was first time someone ever gave her a lap pillow. She put a hand to her red cheeks. She breaths in, held it for a few seconds, breaths out. She seriously needed to calm down or else she might fall.

Y/n: "Sooo, where do you wanna eat?" He said while smiling his signature cool guy smile. "There's pizza, breakfast, and something else."

Gabriel: "Umm, maybe the pizza one, I never really... tried it before." She said while looking down, while playing with her fingers like a child that got caught.

Y/n nodded and brought a box of... new York pizza, and he held it like it was child to him. He came back to Gabriel.

The next instance, they were on top of a skyscraper. Munching on pizza, Y/n was eating slowly while Gabriel was eating as if she hadn't eaten for days, well that was true but that's not the point. 

Y/n smiled lightly, now the hungry problem was solved all that was left was. Well she wanted another lap pillow from him. Heh, he'll give it to her once she becomes his lover.

Y/n: 'Not like that's gonna happen anyways.' He thought with a rueful smile. She was way to damn beautiful in his eyes. In his own "brilliant" mind, he thought he was undeserving of such love from someone so pure.

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