Part 13

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Sirzechs Lucifer sighed as he grabbed his forehead, foreboding headache coming as a another, and another stack of papers was placed down by grayfia, his queen, and his maid, as well his wife.

Grayfia: "Lord lucifer.." She started noticing his tiredness as she soften her expression and asked. "Do you want a break? I can do your pa-"

She was not allowed to finish, as Sirzechs just nodded quickly and let her do the paperwork as Grayfia just snorted in amusement, and sat down at his desk and did his paperwork with precision, speed that Sirzechs didn't have, at doing paperwork.

Sirzechs Lucifer sighed and lay down on his back on the coach, as his eyes closed, drifting off to sleep, but suddenly... A pulse made his eyes widen as he quickly got up and summoned orbs of destruction, and he looked around, the pulses of absolute power kept on traveling through his body, and that power was not his.

Grayfia as well, got into a thinking pose as she looked at the paperwork, as Sirzechs Lucifer realized that, he can only sense this pulse, as he tried to find the source and realized the pulse was traveling from the overworld, or just the human realm.

The pulse felt like well, a power that was otherworldly, or just above them, it was the same feeling when he saw the Bibical God enter the battlefield during the great War, he felt his breath quickening,

Who was this powerful to be able to have his or her presence just be felt from a another realm?  Sirzechs Lucifer calmed his breathing and sighed, well time for a "great" satans meeting.

At mount everest.

Y/n, and his gang were rolling down the mountains of snow, as Gabriel was just rolling down quicker them him or Great red. His wings retracted, and he was just rolling down the mountain smoothly, passing by Gabriel.

He came to a sudden stop as he slide too damn close to a ledge as he held his arms out and catches great red and Gabriel before they fell down, as he stood up and dropped them, as he jumped down.

He summoned his wings at the last second as he looked around, and saw a ice cave, as Gabriel fell and bounced off the ground as She let out a small 'ow', and got up while rubbing her back, as Great red fell down and summoned her wings at the last second.

Great red: "Oy, you caught us and just....woah, look at that!" She yelled and ran to a frozen solid three headed dragon, as she looked up at it and said, "I haven't seen these type of dragons in like eons! Maybe because I was in the dimensional gap!" She spat out a bunch of fire and melted the ice, as the three headed dragon opened its eyes and its slits narrowed down at them, as it's expanded in fear as it tried to fly away.

Y/n just created chains and wrapped around the great beast, as it screeched and lightning started to gather in it's mouth as it shot a beam of lightning at them, as Y/n summoned his own lightning and sliced the lightning beam with a red lightning blade.

Y/n walked over to the great beast as it whimpered accepting its ultimate demise at the hands of this God. It closed it's eyes but felt a hand pat it's snout as he heard a voice coo.

Y/n: "Who's a good boy? You are, you are." He coo'd and patted it's snout, as the great beast opened its eyes looking confused at not dying. Y/n noticed it was hungry as he created a big, mega slab of meat and fed it to the dragon, as the dragon hesitated before eating it.

Y/n smiled at the Great beast as it ate and tore apart the meat like a wild and hungry beast.

Gabriel was hiding behind Great red, as Great red looked behind her shoulder and shrugged her shoulders, not at all minding the seraphim behind her.

The beast, after eating all the large slab of meat, leaned into the hand of Y/n, as Y/n smiled widely and patted it as if it was a cat, despite being a three headed dragon tha was as large as a mountain, it's head made the cave look small as hell.

Next Moment.

Y/n was sitting on the back of the large dragon as it flapped it's large wings going into the sky and passing the clouds as the evening sun gleamed in the distance, Gabriel and Great red were just on it's back as well.

Y/n got a pet dragon that day.

"This dragon is at Heavenly dragon level, due to it's regeneration and absorbing powers, and you tamed the Great beast that was frozen solid for eons."

The voice of the world informed.

Y/n just smiled a bit, and put a bit of his power into the dragon, as the three headed dragon and its viens glowed a bright red as it absorbed the energy, as it broke apart before regenerating, as it's skin turned into a golden plated armor instead of being grey, as it's claws become more sharper.

It screeched as a pulse went out, Y/n grinned and patted the dragons horn as it flew faster into the sky.

"The dragon is now at Great red's level due to you letting absorb some of your power."

"The Dragon is now completely obedient to you due to you feeding it some of your energy."

Y/n just nodded and lay down on its back, as Great red looked surprised, she grinned and tried to transform and fight this dragon but Y/n shook his head, as she stopped and sighed loudly and fell to her back on the surface of the dragon's back. Gabriel just looked, or had a blank expression as she started at Y/n's laps.

To be continued.

Sorry if I fell off bro.

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