Part 7.

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A/n: Hmm - I feel as if... well don't know, anyways, back to the story!.

Back to Y/n...Yahoo.....?

Y/n appeared in a blackflash, as he furled his large wings and he noticed something. Gabriel was looking as if she was in a panic and was about to get up.

Y/n: "Gaby..? What are you doing..?" He asked and she instantly appeared infront of him, and he felt her check all over his body, as she was done with the inspection. She sighed in relief, her smile returned.

Gabriel: "Thank goodness that you're okay." She said happily, a bubbly aura around her.

-Flashback with Gabriel-

Gabriel sat while swinging her legs off the edge of the skyscraper like a child. She hummed a light tune. She was told by Y/n to stay so she would.

Gabriel: 'I didn't know he had friends...but who am I to pry.' She thought, and her eyes widen the next second. Two Gods?! She sensed two divine entities closing in on Y/n.  She was going to go and rush there but... Y/n told her to stay here!

Gabriel was stuck in between a panic of obeying Y/n's orders and disobey to go and try and protect him from two divine beings. She unfurled her 12 golden wings and stretched them and was about to take flight, well until Y/n appeared in a blackflash.

-End of Flashback-

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine." Y/n said with a bright smile.

Y/n: 'Was fighting always this fun? Dang, dude. That was awesome.' Y/n thought. He always wanted to become a boxer in his past life, because he loved the thought of fighting, so when he started to fight, his excitement knew no bounds.

That's why he was so quick to fight the two Gods that decided they were going throw hands.

(A/n: Yes, Y/n lore)

Gabriel smiled widely before her expression went one of horror, as she snatched you and started to fly away. Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked behind him and noticed that goth child floating there.

Gabriel: "why is the infinity dragon here!? Out of all places! I thought it was in the dimensional gap!" She whispered loudly and increased her speed making everything look like a blur. She was holding Y/n close to her chest. Damn was she strong.  

Y/n smiled, he loved strong adult woman as well.

Y/n noticed at the corner of his eye, a golden orb was heading his way at high speeds. It hit him in chest the next millisecond, and sunk in. Y/n grunted lighty.

Gabriel: "Y/n! Are you okay!" She yelled
and looked over Y/n, while holding Y/n.

Y/n: "I'm fine, Gaby. Also, why are we running from that kid?" He asked with a tilt of his head. He felt that something was merging with his soul, like a... fragments of power that were unknown to him. 'Hey, [voice of the world], what was that orb?' He thought.

It was fragments of a soul. The soul known as [The Bibical God]. It is the power and abilities of the Bibical God. Changes will happen to your body.

Skill used [Adapt] to phenomenon.
Now immune to phenomenon known as [Divine Flames] and [Physical Damage] and [Weaponry Damage.]

Ate [Divine Flames] using [All Devouring God], gained new skill [Divine Flames] now merging with [Divine Mastery of Elements]... Created new Skill. Separating parts of skills... Gained New Skills!

[Primordial Water Control.]
-Allows you to control water that is Primordial. Usage: High pressured water beams that can cut galaxies in half.
And many more that is related to healing.

[Divine Primordial Flames Control.]
-Allows you to control flames that are divine and Primordial. If used at full power: has potential to melt all of creation.

[Primordial Wind Control.]
-Allows you to control the wind, and wind magic.

[Primordial Ice Manipulation.]
-absolute control over ice. If you used this at "full" power: has the potential to freeze the heavens and the universe, or even start a dimensional ice age.
Actual Full power: could freeze of all of creation.

[Primordial Lightning Control and Manipulation.]
-Allows you to control lightning that has the essence of Primordial beings such as God.

[Absolue Storm Control.]
-Allows you to create storms.

[Absolute Weather Control.]
-Allows you to control the weather.

[Primordial Mastery of All Elements!]
-Allows you to control the elements from the table of elements.

-Allows you to combine skills, as well as ultimate skills.

Y/n: 'Heh, cool.' Y/n thought, as Gabriel suddenly stopped. The goth child just appeared infront of them. As if she was there the whole time.

Ophis: "You, the one in the white cloak. You shall help me regain my silence." She said in a monotone, as a black snake appeared behind Y/n and bite him in the neck. Y/n grunted, as the snake left. A infinity mark was there, Y/n smiled in pain.

Y/n: "Ow, what was that for kid? I'm fine with your answer if you answer."

Blessing received. [Infinity Dragon Gods' Fragment of Power.]

Ophis: "You, now." She said and casually ripped a hole in reality, creating a portal. "Go in, and help me regain my silence."

'Loudy Invader'

Was the words Y/n saw when he used [Helpful eyes]. Y/ns' chill grin appeared on his face as he took Gabriel's arms off him as he turned to her and said.

Y/n: "Gaby, stay here I'll be back. [Turns to ophis, sunglasses gleaming cooly] Ight I'm game, lead the way kid." He walked but felt a hand grab at his arm. He turned around and saw Gabriel's arm latched to him.

Gabriel: "Please...please be careful, Y/n." She said, as she let go and waited in the air. Gabriel didn't know, but she felt like she should trust Y/n, and his endeavors

Y/n smiled brightly and nodded to her, Gabriel felt her heart fluster. Y/n walked into the portal and ophis walked in behind him.

A/n: To Be Continued.

' *,,,

Well, I hope that was a good chapter to read.
Imma freak off, as always.

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