Chapter 5: The 1st Trial Pt: 2

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The trail to the bandit village had mostly the same things. It had horse tracks with the occasional slash of a blade. There was some items on the ground, most likely belonging to the villagers that were taken.

Art: They seemed in a hurry, they didn't bother grabing any items that dropped. Some of these have some decent value to them.

Viv: That is true, I wonder what their goal is. The fact that it includes women and children makes it worse.

Art: Let's not waste time then.

We put a little more energy in our sprint towards the village. We eventually slowed down when I could see the smoke from the flames, and could smell the ashes from the fire.

Art: We are getting close to the village, slow down to a crawl. We don't want to alert them of our presence.

Viv + Willow: Right!

The three of us went of the trail into the forest. The forest wasn't to overgrown so navigating it was pretty easy. The enemy village was impressive to say the least. It looks like it was built from the ground up with the idea of invasion in mind. The walls, although made of wood, were tall and surrounded the village. There was a row of spikes at the top.

Art: These people knew what they were doing when they built this place. OK, here is the plan. I will use some magecraft to sense the enemies and their walk patterns. When I finish that, you two need to go over to the weakest point to jump over. Your job will be to find the villagers. I will go the front and cause a distraction.

Viv: Will you be able to handle that?

She seems genuinely worried about the whole operation.

Art: Relax, who do you think I am? I got this.

This seemed to do little to calm here nerves, but it did puts some ease in here eyes.

Viv: I trust you.

Art: Cool, what about you little one? Are you ready for this?

Willow: Yes!!

Her eyes shown with practice motivation. She pumped her fist in sinc with her response.

Art: That's the spirit little one. Keeps that determination, we will need it for this assignment to be a success.

Willow: Yes sir!

Art: 'Respectful, I like it.' Alright, now that everyone is ready, let's begin.

With this sentence, I begin using magecraft to sense the guards.

Timeskip 2 hours.

Art: It might have taken a hot minute, but I understand their patterns. You two to got about 50 feet over their. They don't guard that place as they have a water source directly below it. You need to prepare some mana to land on the water quietly.

Viv: How am I supposed to do that?

Art: Freeze the water, use a gust of wind. I don't know, be creative.

This causes to puff her cheeks in annoyance.

Art: Don't give me that look, I know you can do it.

This causes her to blush. She tries to reply, but ends up stuttering.

Willow: Stop flirting, we need to save the villagers.

Art: OK, ok. We do need to save the villagers, but I make no promises on the first half. Now, you two need to get ready.

Viv: OK, be safe.

She says with concern on her face before she picks up willow and runs to the designated part of the wall.

Art: Always am.

I replied even though she couldn't here it.

Art: 'So, when am I going to make my grand entrance?'

The gaurds opperate in a simple format, rotate every 30 minutes, and more guard stationed around keys points. I use magecraft to hide my presence as I begin to make my way to the entrance.

Art: 'How flashy do I want this to be? Considering the situation, very. An explosion designed for sound and smoke should do the trick.'

So the spell circle was modified to fit the specifications.

Art: 'Let's hope it blows up the bridge to. Let's check the guards positions.'

The guards had just started their transition, which led Vivian and Willow in the clear.

Art: 'Here goes nothing. In 3, 2, 1.' Obliterate!

I scream at the top of my lungs as an explosion makes it's presence known.

POV: Vivian

Willow: When will Mr. Art be ready.

Viv: Soon and Mr. Art? His name is Artorias.

Why is this girl calling him Art? We did introduce our full names right?

Willow: Well you call him Art, so I thought it would be fine if I did too.

The young girl looks down almost ashamed at her mistake.

Viv: 'Crap, didn't mean to sound rude there.' It's OK, you can call him Art, I call him that since we have known each other for awhile.

Willow: Really!? Thank you. You must really love each other if you call each other by nicknames.

I could feel my face heat up.

Viv: L-l-love, I guess we do.

This cause a infectious smile to appear on the girl face, one that quickly spread to mine.

Willow: Hehe.

I continue to smile at her antics until, what I assume was the signal, appeared.

Art: Obliterate!


Viv: Good lord Art, this obviously is not a stealth mission. Cmon Willow, up we go.

I grab Willow in my arms, and propel myself upwards to the top of the wall. The sude spikes were about three feet apart, so I was able to go through the easy. The landing was to be desired. I had froze a portion of the lake, but I slipped when I landed on it.

Viv: Ow! Luckily no one was around to see that. Not a word to Art about this got it!

The first part was said to no one in particular. The second part was directed to Willow who was laughing in my arms.

Willow: Hehe, Ok.

Viv: Good, now to free the prisoners.

Getting off the ice was easier that landing on it, I used some wind to push me across the pond. The whole village was in an uproar, the fighters went to the gate, while the civilians went in their houses for shelter.

Viv: Let's go. Let's hope Art is able to distract them enough for our success. Please be safe Art.

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