Chapter 4

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The office hallway fell silent, tension crackling in the air like static electricity, as Max's voice cut through the atmosphere.

"Is there a problem here, Ms. Bennett?" he intoned in that low, lethal baritone that could cut steel.

Oh God. My heart plummeted straight through the floor as I licked my lips apprehensively. Max couldn't find out about my little ruse - not after I'd worked so hard to rid myself of Bradley once and for all.

I forced a smile so bright it could blind a bystander, praying my voice didn't betray the nervous tremor threatening to escape. "Oh, n-not at all, Mr. Pemberton!" I cringed internally at my feeble attempt to sound nonchalant. "Just... catching up with an old friend. You know how it goes!"

Internally, I berated myself for the lackluster response. Smooth, Charlotte, real smooth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brad's complexion drain of color, turning a ghostly pallor - a natural reaction when confronted by six-foot-three of chiseled, unamused virility clad in an exquisitely-tailored Armani suit so sharp it could cut like german knife.

His eyes widened, darting nervously between me and my imposing boss, as if he were a mouse caught in the gaze of a hungry lion.

Max's granite jawline twitched infinitesimally, the only warning before the storm. "I'm well aware of how 'it goes,' Ms. Bennett," he said, flashing me a look that raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

Hard eyes flickered between Brad and me with undisguised distaste. "I trust whatever...'catching up' you feel compelled to do will happen strictly on your own time, away from my office floors. Am I making myself clear?"

The temperature in the room seemed to plummet twenty degrees as the full weight of Pemberton's subtle threat landed. This was so much worse than any water cooler gossip - if Max ever uncovered the full scope of my desperate actions, he'd bury me alive without a second thought.

I blinked back the sting of that thought prickling at my eyes, giving a small, brusque nod. "Crystal clear, sir. It won't happen again."

Max held my gaze for an endless moment, those penetrating eyes seeming to slice straight through my soul. Then, with one final contemptuous glance at Brad, he gave a curt nod and continued on his way.

Only once he'd turned the corner, muscular form disappearing from view, did I permit my spine to unstiffen, the fight draining from me in one catastrophic rush. My hands trembled, overwhelmed by the magnitude of what had just transpired. This was a nightmare - I was so close to freedom, yet now teetering on the edge of ruin.

What the hell was I going to do now? If Max ever found out of my little charade, there was no telling what could happen to my career, to everything I'd worked so hard for...The thought sent shivers down my spine, a knot of dread coiling in the pit of my stomach.

God help me.

I needed to get this sorted quickly, to ensure that my deceit remained buried deep in the shadows of the office gossip. But the mere prospect of facing Max's wrath made my head spin.

Thankfully, the encounter had left Brad as shaken as myself, giving me precious moments to regain my composure. With finality in my voice, I managed to say, my words echoing with the raw power of Max's presence.

"Well, you heard the man. We're done here, Brad. This time for real. Don't ever come near me."

With that parting shot, I thrust the stupid chocolate box into his chest and turned on my heel. My head held high as I strode out of that office, the satisfying click of my kitten heels echoing behind me.

Brad's futile shouting faded as the elevator doors shut in front of me. "You're gonna regret this, Charlotte! For real this time! You hear me!"

I rolled my eyes, suppressing a smirk at his empty threats. As the elevator descended, a sense of relief washed over me, tinged with a hint of exhilaration. Finally breaking free from Brad's toxic grip felt like shedding a heavy weight I'd carried for far too long.

But little did I know just how right Brad was...and how twisted things would soon become.

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