Chapter 37

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I woke up feeling like I'd gone ten rounds with a heavyweight champion - if said champion was a Greek god with washboard abs and a penchant for making me see stars. Every muscle in my body ached, but hot damn, was it worth it.

The memories of last night came flooding back, and I couldn't help the silly grin that spread across my face. Who knew that beneath all that stern CEO exterior, Max Pemberton was hiding the stamina of a triathlete and the skills of a tantric master?

The heavenly aroma of coffee and bacon lured me out of bed. I threw on Max's shirt from the night before, secretly thrilling at how his scent enveloped me. As I padded to the kitchen, I was greeted by a view that would make Michelangelo weep - Max's bare back as he flipped pancakes at the stove.

Max turned, his emerald eyes twinkling with amusement. "Good morning to you, Miss Bennett. I trust you slept well?"

"Like a baby," I quipped. "Though I'm surprised you're standing up after last night's Olympic-worthy performance."

His answering grin was positively sinful. "I assure you, I have plenty stamina left."

Before I could fire back with another witty retort, Max had crossed the kitchen and pulled me into a kiss that made my toes curl. When we finally came up for air, I was seeing stars again.

"So," I said, trying to regain my composure, "is this the part where we have the awkward 'what are we' talk?"

Max's expression softened. "Charlotte, I meant what I said on yesterday. I'm all in. Though I must admit, navigating this at the office will be... interesting."

I snorted. "Interesting? Try 'potential HR nightmare'. Not to mention the posibility of jeopardizing the position you're being considered for."

A muscle ticked in Max's jaw. "Yes, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

As I sipped my coffee, enjoying the domestic bliss of our first morning together, Max surprised me with a suggestion.

"It's Saturday - don't you usually visit your father today?" he asked, setting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

I nodded, touched that he remembered. "Yeah, I was planning to head over to Sunnyside Gardens after breakfast. Dad always enjoys our weekend chats, even if he doesn't always remember who I am."

Max hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Would you mind if I joined you? I'd like to introduce myself properly."

His request caught me off guard. "You want to come with me to visit my dad? Are you sure? It can be... challenging sometimes."

Max's expression softened. "Charlotte, I care about you. That means I care about the people important to you too. Besides, I think is an important step for the future of our relationship."

As we drove to Sunnyside Gardens, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. Max meeting my dad felt like a big step, even if Dad might not fully understand who Max was.

When we arrived at the facility, I was surprised to see recognition flash across the receptionist's face as she greeted Max. "Mr. Pemberton, good to see you again!"

I turned to Max, confusion evident on my face. "Again?"

Max had the decency to look contrite. "Charlotte, I can explain—"

"Oh, you'd better," I snapped, hands on each hip as my foot started tapping furiously on the floor.

He looked slightly sheepish. "I know this is a big overstep but I swear, it was with the best intentions. Yes, I came to visit Oscar a couple times before."

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