Chapter 20

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As Max stood up from the chair, pure smugness radiated from his demeanor, pushing my tolerance to the limits. Straightening his suit, he proceeded to exit the room like he owned the place.

But as he neared the door, Max stopped and turned, his voice dripping with mocking condescension. "Oh, and Ms. Bennett, clearly you have too much free time, seeing how you indulge in artistic hobbies. Maybe I should assign you some extra work to keep you...occupied."

I rose to follow his retreating figure, fuming at his audacity to tease me with my own notebook. "Oh, and know that I'm allergic to cats," he tossed over his shoulder casually, as if he hadn't just poked a very dangerous bear. "So, let's avoid any... furry surprises in the future, shall we?"

Squaring my shoulders, I jumped ahead to cut him off before he could step outside, meeting his arrogant smirk with a cheeky grin. "You asked for this, buddy. No whining when it backfires spectacularly."

One brow inched up in clear challenge. Max's eyes danced with the same reckless spark as mine, silently egging me on. Like he couldn't resist the bait, no matter how treacherous.

Two could absolutely play at that game.

I let my gaze roam over him with deliberate appreciation. A few strands of Max's dark hair fell across his brow in that damn panty-melting way. I had to resist the urge to brush them back and see if they were as sinfully soft as they looked.

Get it together, Bennett. This is war, not a hair admiration club.

"Since you're so confident you can handle me..." I let my tone drip suggestion as I slowly rise to my titptoes, our faces maddeningly close. Max's eyes smoldered, roving hungrily over me as I invaded his space. "How about a little preview?"

His jaw ticked, but Max didn't flinch away. If anything, his stare intensified, greedily absorbing every detail as I leaned in until our noses nearly brushed. Emboldened, I boldly trailed my eyes over those chiseled features - the razor cheekbones, straight nose, those perfectly illegal lips.

"You were right about one thing..." I breathed out, letting the words Ghost warmly across his mouth. A muscle feathered along his taut jaw as dark lashes lowered, his gaze dropping to my lips. "This game is already out of control."

The thick silence simmered with scorching awareness. Max's stare was hooded, unreadable, but his chest rose and fell with accelerated breaths.

Raucous laughter then shattered the heavy tension. I whirled around to find Brad, my repulsive ex, skulking in the hallway wearing an ugly sneer.

"Well, if it isn't Manhattan's biggest whore." The vile insult flew like acid. "Didn't take long to trade up from frigid bitch to sugar baby golddigger, did it?"

White-hot rage roared through me. But before I could unleash my scathing retort, Max stepped forward, placing himself protectively between Brad and me.

"Makes you wonder how long you two have been at it!" Brad jeered.

"What are you even doing here, Bradley?" My tone was pure nitrogen.

"Came to console you about your dad, but seems you're too busy fucking around. Did you even go to the hospital or were you too busy taking your panties off for your new boy toy?"

My vision went red as I geared up to shove past Max and shove my fist down Brad's throat. But then Max's firm hand clamped around my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

"Get out and never come back," he said in a tone so dangerous it stopped my rampage cold. "You're not welcome here."

Brad barked out a harsh laugh. "Playing white knight for the office slut now, huh? Should've known goody-two-shoes Charlotte would go for a rich idiot. I give it a month before he trades up to the next model."

I flushed hotly, mortification and anger leaving me frozen.

"I can asure you I take my relationship with Charlotte very seriously." Max's piercing stare pinned me in place. "And I don't take kindly to anyone who insults her. I trust that clears things up?"

I could only gape at him, utterly poleaxed. Relationship? With whom, not me! What was he talking about?

"I'm not done yet, Charlie!" Brad jeered.

Max straightened to his full, intimidating height, squaring his broad shoulders as he took one deliberate step towards Brad. "Last warning. If you so much as look in her direction again, I'll release the security footage of you stealing from her desk and have you arrested for theft."

The two men stared each other down, tension so thick it nearly crackled. Max's icy glare and clenched fists said he wasn't bluffing. For once, Brad seemed to realize pushing further would be monumentally stupid. With one last parting taunt over his shoulder, he finally slunk away.

"You two deserve each other."

As Brad's footsteps faded, the tension slowly bled out of the hallway. An awkward silence stretched between us until Max spun to face me, lips curving into that insufferable smirk.

"I can't wait to see what over-the-top romantic stunts you come up with next...for our courtship."

Just like that he turned on his heel, and I stumbled after him, sputtering, "You arrogant jackass! Who says I'm courting you?"

Max paused, shooting me a look over his shoulder that damn near sizzled. "Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. By all means, seduce me instead, Ms. Bennett."

I flushed scorching hot as he strode off, leaving me flustered, turned on, and utterly pissed at his ability to fluster me so completely. Damn that arrogant man!

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