Chapter 6

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As Max loomed over me, his presence seemed to suck all the oxygen from the room, leaving me gasping for breath. His icy stare drilled into me, every line of his face etched with impatience.

"Ms. Bennett," he growled, eyes narrowing to frigid slits. "Time is rapidly diminishing. Explain yourself."

My throat tightened with the stark realization that I was on the brink of losing my job, if not worse. "Mr. Pemberton...Sir, certainly...I...I can explain," I managed to choke out.

Max's brow arched imperiously, silently urging me to continue.

"You see...It's's just a big misunderstanding," I stammered, my hands flailing in desperation. "Those photos, they're not what they seem."

Max's expression remained inscrutable, his eyes boring into me. "Enlighten me then, Ms. Bennett. What exactly do they seem to be?"

"They're fabricated!" I blurted out, gesturing wildly with my arms. "Photoshopped. A prank gone horribly awry. I swear it!"

For a fleeting moment, Max's stony features softened, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "A prank, you say?"

"Yes! A stupid, idiotic prank," I continued, my words tumbling over each other. "It all started because my ex-fiancé Brad has been relentlessly hounding me to take him back. So, in my desperation to get rid of him I...I concocted this scheme to make it look like I'd moved on with a mysterious man."

Max raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and annoyance crossing his face. "And let me guess, that lucky man happened to be your boss?"

"Well, not really," I admitted, my tone earnest. "No offense sir, but you're not my type."

Max's lips twitched into a semblance of a smirk, his voice carrying a hint of playful arrogance. "I'll have you know, Ms. Bennett, that I'm many women's type."

"Precisely, sir," I replied, trying to lighten the tension, but couldn't help but shake my head subtly, my expression turning playful as I stuck out my tongue in mock disgust.

Max's expression hardened once more. "Continue explaining yourself before my patience runs out."

"Right away, sir" I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Honestly, I didn't mean for you to get caught up in this mess," I confessed, my fingers twisting nervously. "The plan was just to use a blurred image of a man's physique in the background to create the illusion. Not actually implicate a real person."

Max's jaw clenched, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "So you decided to break my trust, use my image, and sacrifice my reputation to solve your personal issues?"

As he spoke, the gravity of my actions sank into my gut like a heavy stone. I felt nauseous, the weight of my mistake pressing down on me with crushing force. I had never truly comprehended the magnitude of my actions until now. The consequences were far more significant than I had ever imagined.

My foolish prank had not only jeopardized my job but had also tarnished Max's reputation, not to mention his trust—things he held most dear. How could I have been so careless?

"I'm really sorry, Max," I pleaded, meeting his gaze with honest remorse in my eyes. "I never intended for it to go this far. My ex stumbled upon the original pictures and put two and two together when he broke into my office unannounced the other night—or at least, that's what I suspect."

For a moment, silence hung heavy between us, the weight of Max's disapproval palpable. Then, he spoke, his voice measured. "Well, Ms. Bennett, you've certainly created one hell of a soap opera here."

Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't stop myself. "I'll make sure to send you the script for the next episode, sir."

Max's lips quirked into a ghost of a smile before his expression turned serious once more. "Indeed. However, your little show has instigated a very real crisis that demands rectification."

I nodded, acknowledging the severity of the situation. "I understand, Sir. I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

Max's gaze softened slightly, a hint of understanding in his eyes. "That you shall," he agreed, his tone softer. "As soon as I determine an adequate retribution for your...transgression."

My heart sank at the mention of "retribution," but I dared to hope that I wasn't being instantly terminated. "Sir? Does this mean... I'm not fired?"

Max's expression hardened once more, but there was a glimmer of something akin to sympathy in his eyes. "Firing you outright would be unwise, considering half of Manhattan now labors under the delusion that you're my...dalliance." He spat the final word with a bitterness that seemed to choke him. "No, for now your employment remains tragically intact, Ms. Bennett."

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the second chance. "Thank you, Sir! I mean Mr. Pemberton. I won't let you down."

He nodded curtly. "Report to my office before departing today. We'll discuss the suitable penance for your indiscretion then."

With that, Max turned on his heel and strode away, leaving me to contemplate the consequences of my actions.

The rest of the day dragged by slowly, each minute feeling like an eternity as I awaited my meeting with Max. The hushed whispers and furtive glances from my co-workers made it clear that news of the scandal had spread like wildfire through the office grapevine. I could practically feel their judgmental stares burning holes into my back as I tried to focus on my work.

When the office finally cleared out, I made my way to his office, steeling myself for whatever punishment awaited me. As I approached to the gleaming oak doors of Max's corner office.

Even from the hallway, I could make out the muffled timbre of his voice through the thick barrier - a phone call, no doubt some poor soul on the receiving end of his wrath. I hesitated with my hand poised to knock, silently steeling my resolve.

"Get in here, Bennett." His clipped command sliced through the quiet before my knuckles could even rap the lacquered wood.

I jumped, then steeled my nerves and prayed for my soul as I pushed through into the wolf's mouth.

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