A Day Out- A Fanloon One-Shot

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Fandom: Inanimate Insanity

Ships?: FANLOON!

Extras?: Fanloon is fucking adorable. Also. Nickel is a dick. AND! SNOW CONES ARE FUCKING YUMMY!


*Fan's P.O.V*

I was just kinda chilling in my room, writing on my blog cause I don't have much to do at the moment. Yea I was bored, but it never stopped me from being on my laptop!

Though, I guess nothing much was going on nowadays. With I.I 2 being on hiatus, it's been slow and I didn't like it.

Like, come on now, what am I supposed to do?! I have so much free time and I have no idea what to do with myself!

Man, I was bored out of my mind! Sighing, I put up my laptop and laid down on my bed.

What should I do that wasn't being on my laptop? Hmm. I could hang out with Test Tube, but she was probably too busy to notice me.

Paintbrush? Nah, they're probably painting. I don't wanna disturb them, they're scary when mad.

Ugh, there was nothing to do! Lightbulb was still on the show grounds, so I couldn't hang with her either!

.... Is this a sign to get some more friends?? .... Probably actually. Well I'll take the advice then.

Standing up, I walked over to my door and walked out of my room. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs to the main lobby floor.

Hang on, I could've taken the elevator down huh? ... I'll take it on the way upstairs actually.

Right, now that I was out and about, what should I do? .... Maybe get something to snack on?

Food sounds rather nice thinking about it. To the kitchen I go then!

Walking over to the kitchen, I walk to the pantry to see what I can get. Hmm, nothing looks really appetizing at the moment.

Man, this sucks! .... Was my life really this bland? Just not finding anything fun and just being on my laptop 24/7?

Gosh, I didn't even think about that. I guess Painty was right about me spending too much time on my laptop.

Maybe I should do something nice for myself! Ooo! I think I'll go-

"Dude! Did you see the look on his face?!", a snarky voice laughed.

Huh? What was going on? I should check it out. I walked over towards the living room to hear better.

Looks like Nickel, Knife and Baseball were chatting. Well, more like laughing, which was confusing to me.

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