In the afternoon: The Butler, Competitive

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*3rd pov*

"Not only can you make a curry as good as Agni's... but you can win against him, you say...!? <Khansama>! Does that mean you have an ace up your sleeve?" Soma asks. "Indeed. I shall obtain the Royal Warrant for Funtom Corporation!" Sebastian declares.

*At the fair*

UWAAAAAH!! What is that great big creature!?" Finny asks. "That is known as an elephant. A sacred animal. We keep some at my palace too. About ten of them." Soma explained, nonchalantly. "That's crazy!! As pets!?" Bard is shocked. "Do you really keep those huge things in your house do you!?" Mey-Rin is in disbelief. "Please do not wander off, you lot." Sebastian is a mother to the servants. "Hi there, Lord Earl. The show is finally about to begin!" Lau greets while sitting and holding Ran-Mao as she holds (Y/n) since the building is made glass and the sun is high then (Y/n) can't transform.

"Well, aren't you bold, womanizing in front of your client, like that." Ciel sweatdropped. "Come, come! Ran-Mao is my little sister! Just my littler sister! Though we're not related by blood." Lau pokes Ran-Mao's cheek, "I hear the spectators will get to sample the competing curries at this fair, and I was thinking I'd give the little one the chance to try some too!" Lau follows Ciel. "Anyway, is the prince's butler lad really serious? He betrayed the master he regards as his God. What else would he be if not serious?" Lau questions. "Be that as it may, I think that West's promise to return the girl once the plan has been carried out is... nothing more than a blatant lie. Pretty much. The likelihood of West's evil deeds being exposed will increase sign if he relinquishes his hold on Agni after all is said and done, sought after Royal Warrant in hand or not. If I were in his shoes, I'd..."

"Kill him?" Lau said. "You can't go around killing people off one by one over such trivialities, you know." Ciel sighs. "Ehhh? If it were up to me, he'd be as good as dead. That aside... what really has me concerned is master butler's strategy for today." Lau said. "That's-" Sebastian was about to say, but... "well, well! Why, if it isn't Earl Phantomhive!" They turned to see West. "...yes, hello... Mister West." Ciel greets. "It has been quite some time, my lord! Not since last year's London Season, I believe. I'm most honored to make your acquaintance once more! As usual, you're sporting a finely tailored coat, I see! Which brand might such a distinguished individual as an Earl wear, if I may ask?" West asks while Soma hides behind a tree as the servants look at him.

"Well, you see, I leave my clothing to my butler and have less than a passing interest in brands, so..." Ciel answers. "Come, come! Really now! Come to think of it, I've heard that your company is taking part in today's festivities as well?" West asks. "Yes... I am considering an expansion into food-stuffs at present." Ciel said. "I was terribly surprised to learn of your participation in the curry festival! Did you recruit yourself a skilled chef or something? My company doesn't intend to lose either? We've hired a remarkable chef of our own." West said. "Is that a fact..." Ciel said as West gets close to Ciel. "Just between us, it would seem a spy from a rival company stole into my house the other day. My one-of-a-kind galle lamp smashed to pieces! And my general trading chest wrecked! The horror, I tell you!" West thought of the mask (Y/n) has, "just remembering the incident gives me a fright! I did at least manage to defend my secret curry, but... just knowing the culprit may be skulking around these fairgrounds chills me to the bone!" Ciel and Sebastian laugh while Sebastian holds the culprit.

"That aside, I overheard the Queen will be in attendance today... who's to say...? Since Prince Albert's passing, her majesty hasn't appeared in public much. As I'll be taking that Royal Warrant, I really would like her majesty to taste my company's superior curry in front of the audience." Ciel doesn't say anything. "Well, I'll be! I've nattered on for too long! We shall talk later!" West leaves. "'As I'll be taking that Royal Warrant'... eh?" Ciel quotes. "He is utterly convinced of his victory." Sebastian said. "When it comes to his sort, the real fun lies in seeing their faces as they taste defeat." Ciel said. "As you wish, sir. Then I shall make my way to the staging area for festival participants." Sebastian hands (Y/n) to Ciel and heads to a room to see Agni sitting. "Mister Sebastian. What are you doing here...?" Agni gets up. "It has been a while. I am here at my master's behest." Sebastian explained.

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