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002 - the change is here

queens, new york
july 8, 2024

i stood next to hailey in the bustling airport, clutching my suitcase tightly. the early morning air held a hint of nervous anticipation, and the airport was starting to buzz with activity. the lights overhead cast a sterile glow, and the sound of announcements and people passing by added to the tension in the air. my mind raced with a mixture of excitement and anxiety, unsure of what awaited us in outerbanks.

"i'm scared." i whispered to hailey as we waited on the line for tsa.

"i'm not...i get to see your fine ass cousin." she said before giving me a playful wink. hailey grinned, seemingly unperturbed by the early morning. "seriously though, there's nothing to be scared about. it's gonna be a summer full of adventure and fun. just think of all the boys we'll meet." she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"i know but...i don't know." i said with a sigh.

hailey wrapped her arm around my shoulder, offering me a comforting squeeze. "it's okay to feel nervous, june. change can be scary. but we're in this together. you've got this."

i leaned into her before i pulled away to move up in line. "step cousin by the way...not my cousin, my step cousin." i said out of nowhere.

a small smile tugged at her lips. "ah, a step cousin then, my mistake. my apologies to your step cousin's fine ass."

"much better." i jokingly elbowed her in the side, both of us giggling softly as we approached the ticket counter.


outerbanks, north carolina

theo led us all to the taxi area as i held hands with caramia, understanding she may be undergoing some kind of anxiety. as we stepped out of the airport arrivals terminal, the warm outerbanks air enveloped us, carrying the scent of saltwater in the breeze. the early morning sun cast its gentle glow over everything, bathing the landscape in a soft, golden hue. hailey and caramia followed behind my mom and stepdad, their faces a mix of awe and anticipation. i took a deep breath, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nostalgia wash over me.

"welcome to outerbanks, kids," theo said warmly, gesturing to our surroundings. the bright yellow sign of a cab service flickered in the morning light as we approached. hailey and caramia chattered excitedly alongside me as we waited for our ride.

"what are we going to do about a car for the rest of our stay?" i inquired.

my stepdad chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "don't worry about that, junebug. i've got it all planned out. we'll have plenty of vehicles for us all. just leave the logistics to me."

"what's that supposed to mean?" i asked as i leaned forward in my seat, a mischievous grin on my face.

he chuckled again, shaking his head. "just sit back and relax. you'll see when we get there." i raised my eyebrows playfully, my mind racing with curiosity and a hint of anticipation.

we all squished into the taxi, hailey and caramia eagerly peering out the windows. as we started our journey towards the outerbanks, hailey looked over at me with an excited grin. "this is gonna be one epic summer, june. can you believe we're actually here?"

"i know..." i said as i looked back a her.

the taxi driver navigated through the morning traffic, the bustling city gradually giving way to the more rural outskirts. the air outside felt different, thicker, and tinged with the scent of the ocean. hailey and caramia chattered in the background, their voices excited and giddy. i couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness mixed with exhilaration.

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