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007 - mrs. country club

outerbanks, north carolina
july 14, 2024

i woke up in rafe's bed just to see that he was nowhere to be found. i groaned, groggily silencing it and rolling over onto my back. i was still half asleep, my mind slowly beginning to register the events of the previous night. slowly, it all came rushing back to me-the party, picking up rafe and topper, bringing them back here, and then later, the hookup.

i squeezed my eyes shut, burying my face against the pillows as i tried to shake off the remnants of sleep. it took me a few moments to finally open my eyes, my mind still foggy and disoriented.

the room around me was quiet and empty. i sat up in bed, the sheets pooling around my waist as i reached up to rub my eyes.

memories of the night before flashed through my head like a hazy dream. rafe's lips on mine, his hands roaming over my body, the way he had looked at me with that almost vulnerable expression...

i groaned again, running a hand through my messy hair. what had i done?

i looked at my phone for the first time since the party to see that it was blowing up: "john b is in the hospital" "where are you??" "topper pushed john b off the tower!" "john b and sarah are a thing??"

"shit," i muttered as i got out of bed. i got up and started scanning the room for my clothes that were carelessly discarded on the floor last night. as i slipped into my dress, my mind was spinning.

i opened rafe's bedroom door to leave just to be met by rafe. "morning." he said as he walked in.

i jumped slightly, surprised by his sudden appearance. rafe chuckled at my reaction, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"morning," i replied, my voice still a little groggy. i paused, suddenly feeling a bit awkward in the cold light of day after what had happened between us the night before.

rafe looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my dress. i could practically feel his gaze on me, and it sent a shiver down my spine. "you in a hurry to get out of here?" he asked, leaning against the doorway.

"yeah uh...john b's in the hospital. topped pushed him off some tower." i said while placing a hand on my forehead.

rafe's expression immediately changed, the smirk replaced by a look of surprise. "john b's in the hospital?" he repeated. "wait, topper did what?"

"topper pushed him off the tower!" i yelled as i was growing impatient.

rafe shook his head and started to walk down the hallway. "not possible. we uh...we put top in the guest room." he said as he walked to the guest bedroom where i followed him. as he opened the bedroom door we were both left shocked as topper wasn't in the room.

"what the hell?" rafe exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief. "where the hell is he?" he stepped into the room, looking around as if topper might magically reappear.

i followed him in, feeling just as shocked and confused as he did. "look, i gotta go to my place and change and then i have to go to the hospital." i said as i stepped out of the room.

rafe followed me out into the hallway, still looking a bit stunned. he ran a hand through his hair, a frustrated expression on his face. "yeah, yeah, okay." he said.

"okay? okay." i said to him, giving him a small smile before i made my way down the steps and to my car.

i drove home as fast as i could, my mind racing with a mix of worry and panic over john b. the thought of him in the hospital was stressing me out, and i couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for not being there for him sooner.

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