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13 - deja vu

outerbanks, north carolina
august 5, 2024

as hailey and i entered the buildings of 'outerbanks private school' i let out a sigh. first day of school at the kook academy.

we both took in the building infront of us. it was all the stereotypical aspects of a private school. it was a nice, two story building with large windows and a stone exterior. it loomed above us with its posh and intimidating presence.

i looked over and noticed rowan approaching us. "juniper routledge, you know i'm surprised you're at this school. i expected you to go to the school on the cut, given that all your buddies go there." he said. his eyes red.

i rolled my eyes at his words and looked at him with an unamused look. "is weed really the first thing you notice in the morning, rowan?" i said bluntly, referencing his red eyes.

he chuckled slightly. "i mean to be fair i was up the other night getting high with a few of the guys and lost track of time so the first thing i noticed when i woke up was the time and the fact i'm already late for class." he said nonchalantly.

"oh, typical." i said sarcastically. "where are the rest of 'the guys'? they all running late too?"

"i should've been clearer. the guys as in topper and rafe. topper he's already in class and rafe he's uh." he trailed off.

i finished his sentence, "he's a college dropout, we're aware."

"yeah, whatever." he said before shoving his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the building. "so what are your first classes?" rowan asked as he looked between hailey and i.

"i've got ap english." i said, looking back at hailey. "what about you?"

"first period i have french." hailey responded, "second i have calculus and third period i have ap art."

"ap classes," rowan said as he let out a soft whistle. "no offense but i'm surprised you're in the advanced classes." he teased.

hailey snorted. "coming from the guy who needs to be high 24/7 so you can maintain 'sanity'." she retorted.

he shrugged and smirked, clearly not phased by her response. "got me there." he said before looking at the time on his phone. "i guess i should head to class." he said before looking at the both of us. "see you guys around." he said and started walking away.

i rolled my eyes as he walked off, knowing my first interaction of the day was with one of the last people i wanted to see. "seriously? out of all the people we could've encountered this morning, he's the first?" i grumbled.

"and to think it's only the start of the day." hailey grumbled before looking at her schedule in her hands. "my class is that way." she said pointing up the stairs.

i looked down at my own schedule and pointed down the hallway, "i'm this way."we sighed simultaneously as we realized we had to part ways for now in order to go to our respective classes. "i'll see you at lunch." i said to her.

she nodded. "yeah, sounds good. wish me luck in french."

"au revoir," i said to her before making my way down the hallway. i began walking down the hallway, the sound of my footsteps echoing around me. it was still pretty early, so the halls were relatively empty besides a few students walking to respective classes.

i looked down at my schedule as i continued walking down the hallway, my sneakers thumping on the tiled ground as i attempted to find my class. "room 213, room 213, room 213." i mumbled to myself as i looked for my destination.

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