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006- midsummer night's dream

outerbanks, north carolina
july 13, 2024

i stood with my family as guests all talked amongst themselves. "this is so beautiful!" my mom exclaimed as kie approached me with a small frown on her face.

"kie? what's wrong?" i asked her.

"i'm at this shitshow, that's what's wrong." she said quietly so my family wouldn't hear.

i laughed softly as i held her hand and walked over to the grill where pope was working. "hey pope!" i greeted him.

"hey you guys." he said with a sigh, "have you guys uh...heard from jj?" he asked hesitantly.

"no." kie answered as she shook her head. "but he'll be all right, he's got the survival instincts of a cockroach." she continued.

"it's all my fault." pope stated.

i shook my head. "don't go down that road, you didn't do this, pope. topper almost killed you, remember?" i said before i looked at my mom who was gesturing for me to come over to her.

i walked back over to my family and hailey as everyone turned to look at the cameron family as they entered. rose and ward stood in the front while rafe, sarah and wheezie trailed behind them. rafe appeared annoyed and distracted as he walked, his gaze darting around and not paying much attention to his surroundings. sarah seemed to be lost in her thoughts, her eyes fixed on the ground and her expression troubled. wheezie trailed behind, looking around at all the fancy decor and guests with a mixture of curiosity and boredom.

the adults raised their glasses, smiling and nodding at the cameron family as they passed by. the air was filled with the sound of clinking glasses and polite chatter. rafe seemed to stiffen slightly at the attention, while sarah gave a small smile and wave before continuing on.



liked by haileyelsher and 504 others juniperroutledge rosy red

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liked by haileyelsher and 504 others
juniperroutledge rosy red

view all 124 comments

john_b is it rosy or rosey
juniperroutledge lmk when you figure it out

caramiarout i picked out the dress 🤭
juniperroutledge yes!!

sarahcameron pic creds
juniperroutledge no i actually took it myself??

kiekie cute
juniperroutledge u r

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