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She tilted her wine glass towards the light to assess its color, she then finished its remaining contents in one fashionable gulp. "If i didn't know any better I think they want us to get drunk enough."Jennar told Spring. For the past few minutes two gentlemen by the counter had bought them two bottles of wine and they had not even taken a seat next to the them. Shy? or were they just those guys who bought wine for girls expecting no conversation but sex later. Jennar wondered.

Their table was filled with three finished bottles of the restaurants best wine, unfinished desert and some fries still yet to be eaten. They were so lit not a care in the world. Spring and Jennar looked at the two guys eyeing them like Jezebel daring them to take a seat next to them.

Their coaxing bore fruits when the red head stood up and fixed his pants. Clearing his throat, he approached them his blond haired friend behind him. "hey there ladies, having a good time are we?" he asked taking his seat next to Jennar. "Some thing like that ,"she replied as the other guy gave Spring his hand for a shake.

"The name's Wes, my friend here is Dave, we were wondering whether this place felt a little too crowded for you, maybe we could go somewhere quiet? Take this little celebration somewhere more....private?" he said whispering the last part to her ear.

"Jennar, and Spring she said shaking his hand, i don't know...."she said second guessing her answer.

"We would love to ." Spring said out of nowhere drooling at her new catch leaving Jennar rather caught off guard.

"There you have it. I'll get the bill we can go back to my place, what do you say?" Wes added.

"Or we can go back to your's Jennar it's much closer?" Spring said making Jennar turn beet red. 'Someone put a leash on this girl!!' Jennar thought.

She was going to kill Spring tomorrow, or.. not depending on how the night went.

So there they were, standing in front of her door, opening it hoping the plumber did not leave her house in mess. They took to the living room while Spring decided she had taken too long to get acquainted with the guy. Knowing her way around the house she took Dave to the guest room where the door was shut and giggles later followed. Yep, she was definitely going to be killed by Jennar next day.

"So, I love what you've done with the place." Wes said.

"Thanks, but Jennar figured what the hell, enough small talk we are both adults, hell it ain't a party until the sausages come out. So she confidently took him by the shirt pulled her down and invited him to her awaiting opening.

Not one to be told twice, Wes, lifted Jennar bridal laying her on the L-shaped sofa, throwing the pillows away, His backside facing the ceiling, Jennar in his arms, clothes flying all over, and a fleece covering their nakedness, Wes disappeared in the soft blanket taking her in his mouth. eating his way in, bringing her to the brink of bliss. Then he halted, positioned himself and plunged himself deep inside . Jennar let out a soft cry as she welcomed his length ,adjusting herself ready for the ride of her life. With each stroke Jennar felt her whole body crumbling underneath this man, she flipped him so that she was now straddling him, he took her mountain peaks into his mouth and she threw her head back to welcome the new sensation as it filled her wholly to the point of no return. She rocked this guys world literally and practically sating him as he did her. She couldn't recall the last time she had this fun since work had been taking up most of her time.

They went at it all night and in the middle of it, she left him on the sofa and went up the stairs to her bedroom where she fell asleep. She expected that he would show himself out the next day. After all this was one of those one night stands no strings attached situations.

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