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"OH yes! marry me now please." Jennar said to herself as she entered Starbucks the aroma of fresh coffee wafting through and through every corner of the room. And yes she wanted to marry the coffee she was smelling. Who wouldn't, heck I'd marry it and give it babies. She was planning on having a good read, browse through some chapters of her novel, then head back home for lunch and have a long deserving nap.

As she stood at the line waiting to be served, she recognized a familiar back, even in the morning there was something to this man's back that screamed yummy! There was no mistaking it, she had imagined clawing her nails deep inside that broad back the previous night.

She approached him hoping she wasn't mistaken, "hey?" She greeted tapping his back as he turned to look at her.

" Hey back," he greeted making her loose her breathe.

Wow, the man cleaned up nice. Without his overalls on, the man looked devilishly handsome. He wore glasses that he didn't have before and she now noticed a dimple on his left cheek that made him look even more wanting.

"I'm sorry, I saw you and remembered I had forgotten to pay you for your services yesterday. I was a bit caught up with... Work is all." She lied through her teeth.

"It's ok Jennar, don't trouble yourself. It's on the house. " He said remembering what kind of work she did yester night.

" What!? No? Let me pay you, you did such an amazing work and I'm sure the whole works must have cost a fortune. Wait, how do you know my name I don't remember giving it you?" She said.

"Caller id. Why don't you buy me a coffee and we'll call it even? " He said rather fast disregarding her question and managing to save his hide.

"Are you sure? That feels.... I don't know." She said taking her phone and dialing his information to send him the money.

" No please, I insist, besides, I'm sure you'll get me more contracts if the house is bringing any more problems. Here's my card. He told her handing her his card.

" Ok, thanks... I think... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." she said a blush crossing her face for no apparent reason.

"Cole. " He told her giving her the best smirk he could master. Drop dead gorgeous was what was screaming in her mind. Lost in the moment both staring into each other's eyes a little too long than necessary. Their trance was interrupted when the waitress called their names and she went In front of him to get the bill for both their coffee's intentionally brushing her behind to his hip intentionally.

She'd never laughed this much before, her novel long forgotten, down to their third cup of coffee she didn't want to go anywhere. Cole had been a gentleman taken the seat for her before  she sat, a napkin for her since he even ordered some strawberry muffins. And what do you know, he wiped some cream from the corner of  her lips .

Sadly her nice morning was about to be ruined, Gabriel called her and told her some troubling news. One of her clients was retracting his contract, he told her, her lack of presence when he showed up at the company was damning and he needed someone available at his disposal.

She cut the call fast telling Gabriel that she would be there in twenty. She apologized to Cole for having their date? Interrupted. Before she could leave, he stood up with her and offered to take her to her office, insisting she not refuse since she had not brought her car with her.

Her mood had turned from fun to sombre within minutes and he hated how angry she looked. He hated how his assistant had made her angry again and it poisoned his blood knowing he was so powerless to get her back to her mood. And this, annoyed him very very much.

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