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She spent the next day locked up in her house,she was going to switch her phone off make popcorns and bing from morning till dark.

She would do some laundry catch a quick nap to pay for her sleep debt, and maybe read some online books from her Wattpad. She was currently looking at her recipe book trying to create some truffles. Her sweet tooth must have been doing a number on her.

Jennar's face was covered with chocolate paste from all the scratching she had been doing trying to get the recipe right. She had an apron on labelled 'KISS THE CHEF' a tank top, mens briefs and long socks on. She was a sight for sore eyes.

She had woken up with a nagging feeling at the back of her mind. Since yesterday she could have sworn by her dead mom that something was a miss. She did ignore it thinking hell, 'i'm in the bedroom, it's night time, jitters of the Boogeyman under her bed, or a tree branch nipping on her window pane. Everyone feels scared sometimes.

She hadn't slept well, she woke up twice looking inside her bathroom and going downstairs with a torch just to make sure all doors were well sealed.

When morning came, she thought whatever feeling she had would go with the night but sadly it didn't. So , truffles to occupy her mind she put them to chill for 2hours and decided to work out a little before she had her breakfast.

She blazed her room with urban music to keep her blood running. She started off with her treadmill ,maybe all she needed to do was to loosen up a bit. She was working out a sweat her whole sports bra dripping water. She took her water bottle taking a sip or two and continued working out.

After she was done, she decided to postpone her laundry chore to another day, she undressed unceremoniously dropping trails of pieces of clothes all the way to her bedroom. Her mind was fresh but exhausted at the same time. She took her towel wrapped it around herself and hit the showers

Today was supposed to be cleaning day but she was making a mess of the whole house. The kitchen was in disarray from making the truffles. There were clothes where there weren't supposed to be clothes,and she didn't care seeing as she was now laughing at the top of her lungs about a joke Chandler from  the sitcom FRIENDS has made .

She has ordered pizza and was  downing it with a beer. She found herself drowsy and it was not long before she fell asleep still feeling uneasy but chosing to ignore it. Besides she had not slept well the night before she needed a much deserved rest.


Cole wiped his hands and the watch he was holding. He put it together with the other one, he went to the kitchen poured himself some coffee he had made and from where he was, he could see Jennar in the kitchen making something her face looking so cute from all the baking.

"KISS THE CHEF" ' mmh don't mind if I do.' he told himself. He had been up all night enjoying the view from where he was. He had been plotting and plowing every which way of how he would complete a certain task he had set out to do. He was sleepless but he didn't mind watching her sleep. No not at all. Infact ,if he could, he would bring  his bed on this side of the house. Granted he would always find himself asleep here most of the time and he always had sweet dreams everytime.

He took his bagels and coffee and set them Infront of his monitors. He paused his tea mid- air. He zoomed to get a better look,one bead of sweat was traveling from her forehead moving tauntingly and erotically.
It teased him as it moved south landing softly on her lips. It rested there for a minute imagining himself being the droplet of water.

It then continued it's torturous journey making his Jeans feel more or less uncomfortable. He adjusted in his seat setting his meal aside. It was suddenly hot and it was bothering him he needed to stop or he would do something he had been holding off on. He wanted their first time to be special doing this would make him feel like he betrayed her.

But oh the bead of sweat, it looked at him in  the eyes and meandered it's way to her neck then majestically dropped between the valley of her mountain peaks. He got up abruptly thinking he needed to stop looking or he would lose it. She finished some few seconds later then she started undressing throwing his control out of the window.

He moved swiftly to the next monitor
Viewing her in her bedroom and it took all of his will power not to go and bang her door down and have his way with her. She was tempting him, teasing him inviting him ,just how she walked stalk naked could bring Hercules to his knees what of him a simple man.He couldn't do this any longer he needed a cold shower.

Eons later he came back to what used to be his breakfast. Cold tea and dried bagels. He took them to the kitchen and disposed them settling for a cold beer instead.

He went back to his work station where he saw her enjoying a movie and some pizza. He just sat there looking at her, satisfied,feeling accomplished with the things he had done for her. One day she would know and appreciate it all.

He had drowsed off to sleep just with the comfort of knowing she was alright. When he woke up, he saw she had also fallen asleep, he took this opportunity and stood up taking the white t-shirt he had bought for her. It was exactly the same as hers down to the last detail.

He slowly opened her door hoping that it would not cringe . He took each step with caution and purpose. He stood over her looking at her sleeping peacefully. He took the fleece on the sofa and covered her with it. He so badly wanted to join in the warmth maybe cuddle enough that it would lead to something.

But he was on mission. He went up the stairs to look for her t-shirt and found it in a  heap among some other clothes. He did the trade but before he could leave he saw her phone on the bed. He had already dealt with one battle of self gratification today ,he was not going to feel bad for scrolling through her phone. Besides,he was protecting her.

He switched from flight mode then some pop up messages began to appear.  Thank God he took the phone, some guy called Philip was asking  if she arrived safe and that some other guy named Milo was missing her.

He deleted the messages without thinking his jealousy having taken over. Her long bedroom mirror stared at him and his reflection looked him back with it's psychotic menacing look telling him he knew what to do. This situation needed to be monitored.

He downloaded and application that would screen her phone then connected it to his. Now every time she texted or was on the phone,he would see all conversations and incoming calls.

Careful to return the phone as it was and everything else, he went downstairs still sound asleep, he looked over her 'Don't worry darling,I'll always be here to take care of you. " He traced her face with his hand careful not to wake her up. He hovered his face near her giving her an invisible kiss. He would call her soon their meeting was long overdue and he would show her how much love he had to give.

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