Chapter 1- The Beginning

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FYI- This story will be Ultimate Spider Man episodes with Percy in them...

Percy's P.O.V

Today was not my day. First I was late waking up, I had a black eye from Gabe from last night, and I was the new kid at high school! Not only that but I also am so smart that I skipped two grades meaning I was in 11th grade with 16 year olds!

This is not my day...

I arrived to Midtown High on my bike just as the students were going inside. I kept my head down and went to the office. I was nervous to put it simply.

It was already 3 months into the school year and I knew that I was gonna be called a nerd and other stupid stuff.

I went into the principal's office, his last name was Coulson, he had brown hair and a suit on. His suit was a navy blue with a black tie. He was smiling, I smiled him a small smile as I sat down in the chair, "So you are Percy Jackson?" he asked

I nodded my head, "well first I would say I'm sorry for your loss but you probably heard that to many times and it doesn't help at all does it?"

I had a small smile as he said that heard that to many times but it turned into a frown as he asked his question, "No sir it doesn't help at all." I was starting to get fidgity as my ADHD acted up.

"Well I won't keep you here too long here is your schedule and you school ID. Make sure you keep ice on the eye too."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced a smile, "Thanks sir but I think I can manage."

"I'm sure you can, would you like me to escort you to your class?" Mr. Coulson asked

"That would be great sir." I said as I slumped a bit with relief. Coulson smiled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder, which I may have flinched too.

He acted as if he didn't notice the flinch and lead me down the hallway, I forced myself to relax under his hand and not tense up.

He lead me down a few hallways and then stopped at the door, he knocked on it twice and it opened up to reveal a teacher with a brown suit and a blue tie (I'm using the guy from episode 1 that was thrown into a wall does it ever tell us about his school teachers?)

The male teacher had a sort of a somewhat buzz cut on the head but not marine or army still more like he wanted most of his hair in the front Elvis style in a way.

"This is your new student Percy Jackson." I was so happy he knew the nickname I go by and not Perseus. It took me a bit to hack into my school ID and have it to call me Percy.

I walked into the class and saw a guy with blond hair but had a buzz on the side in a shape of a lighting bolt. He had on the school jacket for football, I could already tell he was a bully.

A bit back is a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and a green shirt and pants with a brown belt on. Near her was a guy with brown hair, blue eyes, and a white shirt underneath a blue short of color shirt. He had jeans on and red shoes.

"Percy you can sit between Ava and Peter, can you guys raise you hands." the teacher said

I noticed that it was the same people I made my observation on, I sat between them and set my backpack beside me.

"Hey I'm Peter." Peter said while moving his hand for a handshake

I shook his hand and said, "Percy obviously." We were whispering so the teacher didn't hear us.

"How old are you Percy?" Ava asked me.

I looked at her and said, "14."

She smiled, "You must be pretty smart then to have skipped two grades?" I nodded and went back to the teacher who was working on an Algebra problem with the rest of the class. I wasn't paying much attention.

"Percy can you tell me the answer to x?" the teachers asked me

I looked up and quickly scanned the board, "24." I said and went back to drawing

"Correct." he said and turned to the board

I heard someone cough out, "Nerd." and dug myself into my seat as I tried to hide myself. I also noticed that both Ava and Peter were glaring at that kid with the lighting bolt hair.

After a bit Ava asked, "So how'd you get the black-eye?"

I froze for a tiny second then continued to draw, "I got it from someone who doesn't like me." It was true Gabe doesn't like me and he makes it clear.

"Was he punished?" Peter asked most likely wondering if the 'kid' got suspended for punching me or at least got a warning

"Yeah." I said but it was obvious they didn't believe me. I was continuing to draw something. I wasn't paying attention as I was more focused on the clock.

When the bell finally rang Ava looked over at my shoulder and said, "Who's that?"

I finally looked at the photo and discovered it was my mom. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to say it calmly, "It's my mom."

I quickly closed the notebook and left to find my locker then go to the lunchroom.

Instead of heading to the lunchroom I took my paper bag that had a sandwich, juice box, and an apple outside and climbed the tree that was inside of the fenced in school. I was just watching the cars go by when I looked over to the cafeteria and saw that Ava and Peter sat at a table with 5 other people, one was a buff looking guy who looked like he worked out too much, a zen-sorta dude that had that calm vibe, a redhead, a guy who was a joker, and a guy who looked rich.

I went back to looking at cars, when I turned back I saw the red head come my way. The redhead had green eyes and a reporter sort of stance and look.

She made her way to where I was, I started to shift a bit from being uncomfortable, "Hi, I'm MJ and we were wondering if you wanted to eat with us." The girl dubbed as MJ said as she motioned for the other kids at her table.

I look over and see the guy that was a joker pouting, "Doesn't look like everyone wants me to." I commented trying to in a way get out of the conversation.

MJ looked over at the table and noticed her friend pouting, "Him? Oh don't worry he'll get over it. Come on." MJ said while trying to get me down from the tree.

I sighed a bit and jumped down from the Post Oak tree. I dusted myself off and followed MJ inside the building and to the table.

I bit my lip in creating and did a nervous wave.

"Well you know Peter and Ava, now this is Luke, Sam, Danny, and Harry." she said pointing at the buff guy, then the joker who was pouting, the zen dude, and then the rich kid.

I waved once more a bit more confident and said, "I'm Percy."

I hope you are enjoying this. I'm going to put Percy in some of the Ultimate Spider Man episodes so I'm going to start around Season 1. I just need to get Percy his name and how he got onto the team. When that's done he will start entering the episodes.

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