Chapter 10- New Home

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Percy's P.O.V

Aunt May's and Peter's house was...cozy. It was small but that was alright with me as they lead me to a small spare room.

I thanks them and put my clothes into the drawers and into the closet. I said goodbye to Leo who I told could take today and the weekend off and Aunt May who had to go somewhere and was sorry to leave but would be back soon.

I was bit glad that it was Friday and I didn't have any homework next week seeing how I already finished it last week.

I sat on the bed and just thought about Chiron, I curled my hand as I remembered how he held my hands before the ambulances arrived.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear the front door bell until I heard someone opening it. I looked up and quickly made my way downstairs when Peter suddenly ran up the steps taking two at a time and called to me, "Hey can you cover me with aunt May I need to go." Peter said rushing to his bedroom.

"Yeah, I'll tell her you're with friends and that I didn't want to go with you." I said

"You're a lifesaver Percy, I got to go." Peter said zooming down the stairs

"By-," The front door closed before I finished, "-e." the E died down and I sighed.

I was alone in this new house.

I sighed once more and made my way to the living room where I turned it on and plugged in the gaming station and created a new game of this first person shooting short of game.

I beat it quickly.

It was barely an hour and I beat the entire game and was bored again.

I sighed and looked at the clock and estimated the time it would take for Aunt May to come home, I had roughly 3 hours and Peter most likely wasn't going to come home until then.

I thought about it and grabbed my jacket by the door and slipped it on while stepping outside.

I stuffed my hands into my jacket's pocket as the Autumn air hit me.

I huffed and made my way down the steps and went toward a place where I could be alone with no one asking me how I was doing and that annoying stuff.

I always hated the 'I'm so sorry for what happened', I got a lot of those the first time my dad's family died and then my mom you grow to really hate those words.

I walked down the surprisingly empty road and came across a fence that blocked off the graveyard. I looked at the clock and went toward the gate where I went through it and went toward the path that I knew by heart.

I knelt down and wiped the leaves that were on my mom's and dad's grave heads. I didn't talk, I just baked in the sense I was near them and they were comforting me.

I closed my eyes and felt the wind shift through my hair and the quietness that was everywhere. It was nice and in a comforting sense I forgot that Chiron was in the hospital in a small coma.

I took a breath and checked the time again to see that I was surprisingly here for an hour. I got up and wiped the dirt off my jeans and made my way toward the exit.

I watched the birds flying around and the leaves flying through the air with grace as the wind blasted my skin but it wasn't as cold as before.

The sun was starting to dance toward the edge of the city slowly but eventually it would make it. The lights of the city starting to climb there way to the shining spot light as I walked home.

The ducks in small ponds were walking out of the water and were chirping toward their nest with the babies following them.

I sighed once more as I felt calmer than I had all week because of the nature around me and was home in no time.

I opened the house with the key I was given and walked in, the lights were still off and no one was home. I shrugged off my jacket and put it away as I took off my shoes and went toward the kitchen.

With the ingredients in the fridge I was able to start cooking spaghetti and some sauce.

By the time Peter came home with the swing of the front door he went toward the kitchen, "You can cook?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, learned from my mom." I said and was stirring the sauce and bit more as the spaghetti was almost done.

"I can't cook for my life." Peter said and I smiled.

"That's alright. Grab a seat this is almost done. Good timing by the way, Aunt May is almost home so we don't have to lie." I said

"Yes." Peter said, "I beat her home."

I rolled my eyes and started to empty the water that was in the spaghetti and turned off the stove on the sauce.

"Grab the plates." I said and Peter did as he was told and grabbed some food and started to stuff his mouth.

"This is delicious." he said while not swallowing his food so it was all garbled

I looked at him with amusement and said, "You might want to swallow before you speak."

Peter did just that and repeated himself to which I blushed, "I don't know about that." I said

"Ah come on, you can cook really well." Peter said and took another bite.

Feeling uncomfortable with the praise I just said, "If you say so." and turned away to grab my spaghetti and sauce.

I wrapped leftovers for Aunt May and went upstairs as Peter took the couch and started to play his video game.

I changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed, not before looking at the picture of my mom and dad and the other photo of Chiron and I that I slipped into my bag before leaving my home.

"Night Chiron." I said and while looking at the photo closed my eyes and was fast asleep.

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