Chapter 8 - The Player

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What's going on here? What's honestly happening? I hope Alex isn't a player. New toy? That breaks my heart a bit. I never thought of Alex as a player.

Alex now stands behind me and grips my shoulders firmly and whispers in my ear 'Sorry about what I'm going to do but just follow along'.

Oh no what is he going to do and hwy do I have to follow along? My heart is beating really fast now. I eye the exit. If I run really fast I bet I can make it out of here in less than 5 seconds!

'Listen up everyone' He now clears his throat and wraps his arms around my neck in a relaxed fashion. I can smell his cologne and feel his warm chest from here. 'I have something to tell you.' He looks at his friends.

Both the girls look at him. 'Yes Alex dear?' says Sam. I look up at Alex too. My head is against his chest at this point. He's so tall. What's he going to do now? 5 minutes ago he had me tangled up in his legs now he's holding me in his arms in front of his friends.

What am I doing Jemma? I should have been down at the celebration! My family's at the beach! Now I'm stuck like a burger patty between Alex and his super gorgeous girl friends. This day just won't stop getting weirder and weirder.

'Jemma is my new girlfriend. We got along really well and decided to date right away! Right Jemma? '

I look confused for a second and gaze at the girls. He just said that. Curious, I take a glance at the girls and they look disappointed for a second. They now looking at me up and down now with disgust.

I fake a smile and make cheery hands. 'Yeah we are dating and Alex is my.. boyfriend!' I just cannot believe those words came out of my mouth. I've never flirted with a guy before not to mention had a boyfriend. Now I have a fake one! My mom will freak out!

No I cannot tell my mom this. Nor my family. Not anyone. Actually maybe I'm overthinking. This could just be a momentary thing and as soon as I leave Alex's place we both I'll forget what we both just said.

'Wait what?' Mia says.

'Jemma and I are dating.' He says more firmly. Clearing his throat.

'Ha.' Sam. 'I don't believe that for a second.'

'Me too. You never date anyone.' says Mia.

Sam shoots me a sharp look. And then smiles at Alex. I don't know what she thinks of me but it doesn't seem like she likes me very much. I hope she's not mad at me for stealing her friend. In which case I'm not? I didn't ask to be in this position! Alex do something!

'Let's go, Mia. Let's leave these two new lovebirds in peace.' She snaps her fingers and they both start walking towards the door quickly. Their hips sway like they're walking a catwalk. So very effortless. Once they reach the door Sam says 'Take care Alex and Jemma'. She walks out following Mia and slams the door behind her.

Alex groans and walks to the kitchen door. 'You didn't need to slam the door! Jesus Christ this girl drives me crazy.'

My eyes stares down at the floor and I caress my arm, feeling awkward in this situation I didn't expect to find myself in. 'So, what was that?'

'What was what?' He's pacing up and down the kitchen rubbing his chin clearly thinking about something.

'You know, the whole new girlfriend thing?'

'Yeah that. Can we just keep that up for now? I feel like they would leave me alone if we tell them we're dating.'

'Why would they need to leave you alone?'

'I don't know Jem. I just don't want them around.'

'Why not just tell them that?'

'Ha. It's not that simple. We were childhood buddies. They just overprotective I guess. But don't worry about that. Are you alright?'

He hugs me tightly but freezes. 'Are you cold? I'm so sorry! Let me get you one of my jackets.' He searches his cupboard now and picks a black hoodie. 'Wear this for me. You're freezing. '

Outside clouds are starting to form and a chilly breeze enters the house. 'Thank you.' I take the hoodie and put it over my dress. My body tingling with the warmth from his hoodie. It smells like him too. Fresh but masculine.

'Would you something to eat?' He says. 'I'm kind of starving aren't you?'

'Yeah I am.' I hear a ringing in the room. It's my phone ! 'Give me a second.'

I open up my handbag and see my mom calling. Oh no! She still thinks I'm at the celebration. I motion a shh sign with my finger at Alex. Alex smiles and makes the sign back and leaves the room closing the door behind him. I pick my phone up. 'Hi mom'

'Hi sweety! How's the celebration going? Having fun?'

'Yeah definitely, everyone is really friendly and accommodating!' Farther from the truth. If I tell her where I am she will definitely cut me in half.

'That's lovely dear. Eric and Moe are dying to join the celebration too and keep asking to join you. Will you be okay if I drop them with you? We'll be there in 10 minutes.'

Eric and Moe?! Those two rascals! I can't say no though to my mom. I have to go back there too!

'Yeah that's fine Mom!'

She hangs up the phone. I need to get there right now!

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