Chapter 6 - The car

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I draw the curtains and let out a deep breath. That just happened. I lay down on my bed and wrap myself up in my blankets. I close my eyes and sleep.

I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. One of my favourite breakfasts. I quickly walk down to the kitchen where I'm greeted by my dad, James and Moe cooking together.

'Morning sweetheart.' My dad says. 'How'd you sleep?'

'I slept well thanks Dad and you?'

'Me too. The boys and us are cooking some breakfast. We will be done soon.'

'Great. I can't wait to have some!'

I find my mom reading a book on the blue couch. She enjoys doing this in her free time. She used to read me books when I was younger and I guess I developed my passion for writing from her.

'Hey Jem, planning on heading down to the celebration today?' I forgot about that. I've been too fixated over my encounters with Alex.

'Yes I will be there. What time is it?'

'It starts 12pm. There will be some people your age there too. Your dad and I will take James and Moe out to the beach. They want to look for shells and build sandcastles.'

'Nice. I will definitely try my best to enjoy it.'

'You will dear. You need to come out and try new things. Sasha would want that for you.' No doubt I think.

'You're right, Mom.'

'Oh by the way, there was a handsome boy waiting outside the gate earlier. He looked a little lost. Do you perhaps know who that was?

I freeze. Could that have been Alex? And why would he be snooping around my house. I can't help but to feel either creeped out or satisfied with that.

'Probably just one of our neighbours. No biggie.'

'Ha. If I were your age I'd definitely enjoy seeing random cute guys show up at my door.'


'What? Your dad was just as handsome in the day. How I missed them. You know he used to stalk me around my house when I was younger. Now I can't rid of him!' she smiles. 'Now it's your time to shine.' Mothers. They truly are something else. I give her a hug before getting ready.

I decide on a yellow sundress with white scandals. Nothing too
crazy. I hear a ping from my phone and pick it up.

Alex: I hope to see you there.

He already knows! This celebration must be the talk of the town. I start typing.

Jemma: I will. Almost ready.

I grab my handbag and put my phone inside. It's 11:45am now. I say goodbye to my family and leave the house. It's time to be a young woman.

I gaze next door to see if Alex is there but it's totally quiet. I suppose he already left. I open the gate and close it, making my way down to the field where I hear music playing. I wonder what it's going to be like. This is the first time this place is holding a celebration like this and I'd like to be part of it.

Suddenly I hear a hoot behind. I almost jump at the sound of it. Looking behind me I see Alex and his black car. 'Hey Jem. How about that ride now?'

'You can't just come sneaking up on people like that! You almost made me jump out of my skin!'

His smile grew larger. 'I wouldn't mind seeing you skinless. That would be a sight.' Despite he creepiness of this, is he flirting with me? 'Come on in. I'll give you a drive.'

You know what, let's go for it. 'Sure thing boss.' I move to the passenger side of the car and open the door and get in. First thing I notice is how clean it is. And black. He really must like this colour.

I look at him and I feel those electric shocks inside my body. He's wearing a loose unbuttoned down white shirt and black shorts. I can see some of his chest muscles poking though his shirt. He looks so good. 'Its nice to see you again Jem.' He briefly touches my hand before breaking eye contact with me. 'Now put your seatbelt on Jem. Let's go.'

I struggle to get a word out and let out a soft breath. 'Okay.' I put my seatbelt on and lean back in my seat after hearing a click.

He puts the car into gear and we drive off in silence. My hand still feeling the warmth of his.

'So what's your day looking like Alex?'

'Probably just going to head down to the beach after the celebration'

He looks away now, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. 'Are you okay Alex?'

'Actually no, Jem. I don't do well with alot of people surrounding me. I have real bad anxiety Jemma.'

'Why? Did something happen?'

'No nothing happened. ' He presses his foot down on the accelerator, speeding down the road. He's not telling me what's going on and this is not good.

'What is it? And can you stop speeding? We in a neighborhood!'

'Okay , I'm sorry Jem.' He slows down. 'It's just, things at home aren't well. Remember I told you about my family?' I nod. 'Well, my dad recently passed away. I came here to clear my head from everything. '

I felt bad for him. I couldn't relate to such a pain besides losing my best friend Sasha. 'It's okay Alex. I'm sure he's looking down over you.'

I see a tear nestled on the side of his eyes. Even when he's sad, he's beautiful. 'Shall we skip the celebration Jem? I'll take you to the beach instead.'

I think about it. Then I remembered my mom saying she's going with my brother and family down there. 'No no. Let's just go back home. '

'Alright , Jem.' He drives us back home. His home. He pulls into his garage and puts his car into park. I don't think I'm meant to be here. There's a door in his garage leading into the house. He steps out of the car and unlocks it, allowing me to walk inside.

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