Part 2

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Wednesday takes a second and looks at Enid.


I just think that family member should be off limits


I really like him Wednesday. I don't know why, maybe it's just a physical thing... but I do

Wednesday cringes at the word "physical" but doesn't say a word. She turns and sits back down at her desk. How could she ever tell her the reason why



The group of friends wait in the lobby of the movie theatre. A few more people turn up, some are grabbing popcorn. Wednesday is stood with Yoko, she's staring at Enid as she's got her arm on Bruno's shoulder, she's giggling


Oh em gee Bruno! There's no way! You're crazy!

She's rubbing his chest. Wednesday wants to throw up. She wants to stab something, then throw up. They all move into the cinema and take their seats, Enid sits next to Bruno but she turns to Wednesday and pats the seat next to her and smiles


Wednesday! Here! I saved you a seat

Wednesday curses her under her breath, she couldn't even hate her if she tried. She sits down and the movie starts. She's distracted by Enid whispering to Bruno the whole time. When Bruno's arm slithers round Enid's shoulder, Wednesday excuses herself and walks out of the theatre. Enid watches her go with a sad expression.

The movie continues, it's a horror and Enid is terrified. She jumps and knocks her popcorn over. Bruno laughs but it's obvious Enid does not find it funny at all


Chill Enid. It's just a movie. Don't be such a pussy

Enid makes a face, she looks at the empty seat next to her and her heart sinks



Wednesday sits on a seat, staring out of the window. A hand touches her shoulder, she flinches


WHOA! The no touching thing, sorry! I forgot. My bad. Are you ok?


It's ok, you just startled me. I'm fine, I just needed some air


Riiiiiight... so you definitely weren't scared of the movie?

Wednesdays mouth drops open in offense


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